After upgrade to Mail.Ru Calendar is displayed in Jira instead of Calendar

Neeraj Tiwari April 12, 2016


We upgraded our Mail.Ru Calendar plugin last night to the latest version of

We use JIRA 6.4.7 version.

After the upgrade, we noticed the display of the Calendar plugin changed from "Calendar" to "Mail.Ru Calendar" (Attached is a screenshot highlighting this change.)

Why is this happening? And can we rename this back to Calendar as our staff is getting confused what this means.

2 answers

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Andrey Molchanov April 12, 2016

@Neeraj Tiwari, please check the updated version with the label fixed.

Ivan Mashintsev
Rising Star
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April 12, 2016

Hi, @Neeraj Tiwari.

We will change it back in the next release 2.4.

Neeraj Tiwari April 19, 2016

We are on the latest version of Calendar for our JIRA - But we STILL see the "Mail.Ru Calendar" instead of just "Calendar" when we click on the Calendar tab in jira.  (see attached screenshot – I have highlighted the part where we see this)

Andrey Molchanov April 19, 2016

Please note that the plugin name is "Mail.Ru Calendar".

We use the Calendar caption in the navigation menu only to make it shorter.

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Neeraj Tiwari April 12, 2016

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