Howdy 👋🏼 this is Corinne from Jira Software Cloud’s Product Marketing team. We're working on an initiative to help our customers make their Jira implementation the best it can be. To that end, I want to tap into the collective Community brainpower to find out all the tips, tricks, hacks, and best practices you utilize to keep your Jira instance (and, consequently, its users) as happy and productive as possible. For example, one admin shared that being ultra-disciplined about the number of custom fields in an instance keeps it clean and user-friendly (and better for reporting!).
I’m open to hearing about settings, boards, issues, fields, reporting… you name it! What advice would you give others who are just setting up their Jira instance or are looking for ways to make their existing instance better than it is today? I am primarily interested in Cloud-specific best practices, but if you have one that runs the gamut of Cloud & Server, fire away!
Who knows, your advice could appear in a content piece that helps thousands of other users.
Thank you @DPKJ ! These are such simple best practices but so impactful in the long term.
Hey @DPKJ - I'm going back through your feedback and curious why you called out assigning dates specifically. Is this because it's easier for search? Any other benefits you have found? Also, if you could elaborate on the benefits of using links, that would be great!
Hi @Corinne Dent I'll let @DPKJ add his own $0.02 but his points are seriously important.
Dates: It's not just easier to search but also far easier to track stale issues. In some of my non-tech projects, there might be SEVERAL dates (not just a due date) so that different timings can be managed and reminded on (Notification Assistant is stellar for that). At least that's how I use it.
Links: Huge. I have many separate projects for both tech and non-tech users. Links let me keep relationships for an effort together and visible from wherever one lands. As an example, a dev project might need a new landing page from creative... the workflow has a way to automagically create the creative ticket out of the dev ticket and assign it a custom "Related issue created" link outbound and "Created by related issue" inbound link. Not only can one see in the ticket but one can search for such links and see the view to it all.
Thank you @Mike Rathwell
You've definitely raised benefits I hadn't thought about and will benefit others who read this article.
@Corinne DentThanks for taking this up.
@Mike RathwellWe started using Jira 7-8 years back, and we always use to forget adding time tracking to issue, and after some time we realized that all non important recently generated issues get assigned to sprint whereas all old issue keeps on slipping. So we stated adding dates, time etc to issue, specially `End Date` to issue. Now, we know what features/issues are committed to customer in what timeline, and we can easily prioritize them accordingly.
Here is my starter kit for new users...
These are great. Clearly you are right on the last bullet :) Thanks for chiming in.
Nailed it!
Here's a good thread to reference as well
We pulled together a bunch of stuff from that thread for one of our ACE meetings, slides can be seen here
WOW, thanks for sharing! Super helpful!
Rachel Wright has many tips at her site and in her book.
Rachel Wright is my hero.
Totally epic. The book is high in my Bucket List of reads....!
And the website is great; the only non-Atlassian website saved as a favourite in my Atlassian favourites tab 🤩😎👍
@Rachel Wright : your fan club is assembling.... ! ! 😍💝
I also refer new admins to both of Matt's books, published by O'Reilly books:
To extend/spin @Jack Brickey 's comments:
Beyond that, for my part, spend the time noticing what your user base does day-to-day. Walk around. If you see someone trying to run a process from a spreadsheet and email, offer to fix it for them.
Oh... forgot one more that works well for me...
When I am creating/updating/etc workflows, I tend to version them... Not deeply, a VM.m type of versioning. I don't always update the version with every change if small but if there is any substance to a workflow change:
This affords a couple of things:
However, if you have automatic transitions and they're looking for a transition in a named workflow... they break. I found this out the hard way...
I find it very difficult to build hierarchical views to grasp the whole picture of our work. I should be able to build queries from the top down and vice versa with ease. For example I may want to query what’s flagged for a fix version from the bottom up or what releases are epics and stories mapped to for an initiative. Duplication is fine if that’s reality. An epic may span multi-releases. It should be easy to provide these answers to executives. I use structure a lot and love it, but some queries I just can’t figure out and they seem practical. Not all teams are mature and we need to see current state to evolve - life is messy.
Hi @Corinne Dent ,
Its will be helpful If You and Your team Concentrate on Basic Could Enterprise Software Bugs.
1. Cloud: Download Morethan 1000 + rows
2. More Control to Admin based on role or users wise.
3. : This is Very Basic Bug in Any Could Enterprise Software system.
4. Don't Force the Companies to use 3Party plugins for very basic things
I found these issues in My One moth Experience in Jira while doing Integration with JIRA. There are many Tickets with same bugs with Different status. It will be useful for the customers, you or your team consolidate those bugs and fix them instead of waiting for the bugs fixes for years
@Corinne Dent - what a GREAT thread! Kudos to you. 🤩🥇👏
It sounds really boring, my ultimate top tip is....... WEB BROWSER FAVOURITES ! !
I love being overtly organised - OCD-vertly OCD-rganised??? 😎🤘 - and get great joy from the knowledge that all my favourite JIRA and Confluence pages are within two clicks of opening.
(I have the same for Atlassian and everything to do with Community and Support, including saving my favourite blogs... which I just did with this one! #NERD 🤓)
This is such a good one!! Thank you! Also feeling very honored to be part of your bookmark folder!
@Corinne Dent : What a lovely reaction. You are MOST welcome :D
A couple of things I'd ensure all Jira Admins know in advance:
Both features can save tons of time while keeping your instance in good shape.
There are so many good tips here. As an admin for Jira server that is in the process of migrating to Cloud, my best tip for any other server admins attempting to make this type of migration would be to sign up for a trial instance early and familiarize yourself with the administration UI as there are a number of things that are quite different that what you may be used to using in server.
Such a good tip @Jimmy Seddon ! As a Cloud user who enjoys a weekly update on UI without warning, I would add: do this weekly and as close to the migration as possible :)
- Don't add a lot of issue fields / integrations, that are used only once in 1000 issues. It makes Jira slow and not fun to work with.
- Don't restrict users to certain flows - Make it simple and flexible like trello.
- Keep it organized - we do weeklies to make sure there aren't duplicates and all issues are understandable.
- Use next-gen projects!! They're so much better then the classic ones, unless you need more complex configuration.
Thank you for the feedback @Tal Levi . Love to hear you're having success with next-gen projects!
Oh.. one more simple one... I just dropped a ticket with a plugin vendor for an odd problem. They use (duh) JSD. It returned the default JSD response:
"Just confirming that we got your request. We're on it."
That reminded me of this tip....
I ran into a case where a person in the user community, base on the wording of the default auto response that we were, in fact, working on it that very moment. We weren't. It was in our queue. in the interest of semantics and a clearer statement of fact I changed it to:
"Just confirming that we got your request. It has been added to our service request queue"
It's a polite fiction intended to make you feel good.
"Your call is very important to us"
"We are experiencing higher than usual call volume"
Like all cliches it has a limited lifespan.
"The check is in the mail"
My favorite thing is a simple one. The use of GG.
It's a keyboard shortcut that works in both Jira Server and Jira Cloud. Simply press the G key on your keyboard twice quickly to bring up a menu search. You can use this to search for specific admin pages, like Global mail settings, Lexorank, look and feel, etc. Or it can be used on an issue details page to see what actions you can take, like edit, transition, comment, etc.
You don't need to memorize the location of everything in Jira, you can use this to keyboard shortcut your way there. This search is not for looking up issues in Jira, use the quick search or the issue navigator and some JQL for that. Technically this is not Jira Software specific, all Jira flavors (Core and Service Desk) can use this little feature. But I am frequently surprised at the number of users that don't know about this keyboard shortcut.
yes indeed. I use the "." frequently.
Wow... this blog is fast becoming one of the greatest knowledge shares of allllll time ! !
A second tip I would like to add is another simple one that is damn useful, especially when the back-log is built up for the first time and looooooads is going on:
Version & Epic assignment on Back-Log items.
By first clicking on the version and epic I need to assign a back-log item to... it ensures that I don't have to do it later, which can be such an arduous task if done incorrectly.
(I once went on holiday during a project start up and came back to a back-log of over 100 issues and not a single one assigned to a version and/or an epic. 😵 Thankfully I am the Admin and have BULK change rights....!!)
Thank you @Andy - PTC Redundant - the screenshots are super helpful too.
Welcome @Corinne Dent . I loooooove getting visual. Always happy to put in a Screenshot!
Last tip from me.... really make use of the Saved Reports function... especially when it comes to having to review Tempo work logs on the daily !
The simplest things are usually the better ones. So [not taking into account huge setups that might be required for some particular purpose] the basic guidelines in my opinion would be:
Be clean. Use of custom screens
Be sharp. Use of custom workflows
Be organized. Use of custom dashboards
Improve to fit your needs. Use of plugins/apps
** Specially interesting: SIL customField. That's a field where you can write your own code, having into account multiple variables related to not only issues but also your jira instance and it returns the corresponding result.
I believe the rest of things that come to mind right now are not so general but solutions I came up with for some very specific scenarios. So... those were my two cents.
Really proud of that JQL Booster Pack mention <3
And you should. I've used it extensively, mostly to build awesome dashboards but also to manually pinpoint any deviation from the intented normal workflow and such.
Great work. I'll endorse it anytime.
Screens and Fields
- Keep them simple
- Use Tabs to prioritize fields
Workflows and Boards
- Keep your workflows simple.
- Map all statuses to columns on your board.
- If possible, no more than 7 statuses!
- Don't send too many Notifications, the team will start ignoring them.
I couldn't agree more with the notifications part. Send notifications only if action is required or as a summary of a completed fairly complex action. And very important: format those differently so it is very clear when an action is required.
I don't agree 100% with the "keep the workflows simple part". Allow me to elaborate: keep it simple FOR THE END USER.
As an admin you should provide your workflows with as many functionalities as needed. One very useful thing I normally do is having workflows that show different routes for different users based on the user permissions, on the values that are being introduced during the life of the issue, on time elapsed, on responses received from other systems... This is simple FOR THE USER, since he only has access to the one or two transitions he is allowed to execute but internally this is some sort of basic automation like the one I talke about in my answer.
Basically just some conditions and postfunctions working together.
Yes, that's true. Thanks for your feedback. Speaking of simple workflows the main point I also want to make is the use of transitions instead of extra status steps and to recognize the difference in the process of drawing business process.
Lots of good advices in this thread! My tip for Jira Software users would be to use the right-click on the Backlog view to:
Yes indeed. It's great that Jira has a right-click menu! I use it occasionally to move issues into a sprint or for prioritization.
Love these tips @Manon Soubies-Camy ! Tres bien 🤩👍
I use them often!
One advice I would give to Admins about point 3, is to be careful who receives the Bulk Change permission: in the wrong hands.... it can be disastrous! 😵☠
There is so much here that I'm not sure where to start. this is a great topic! One of my most used items though is to use and manage your issue filters to make easy to read and understand Dashboards. Use JQL to narrow your search results and ensure you have the relevant fields on display. You can then bring them into your dashboards to report lots of different information in different way. For example, you can do a 2 dimensional chart of issues completed by application (custom field), and also show it graphically with a pie chart. Our management teams find a lot of value in this and I find I'm constantly adding/updating the dashboards to keep the team performance, to show current and completed work and ensure nothing slips through the cracks. It's been a big win for our team.
A simple trick that I always use is that I create a small set of standard transition screens. I name them "1 Assign Only", "1 Resolution Only", "1 Comment Only" etc. I use the number 1 to force these transition screens to the top of my list so that they are easy to see. This makes it much easier to have a small set of standard transition screens that I use all the time rather than the multitudes that Jira creates when I create a new project.
Great one @Derek Fields _RightStar_
I've done the same thing.... Common ones for the 80% transitions and make others only for special snowflake workflows and transitions. Saves no end of pain and anguish.
@Derek Fields _RightStar_ / @Mike Rathwell : What an intersting tip! Maybe I miss the context or it's not relevant to my projects, but how does this work exactly?
How does it improve life? :oD
Is it possible to share some screenshots to help elaborate on the subject!?
It took me a little bit to understand this tip too.
@Derek Fields _RightStar_is referring to the creation of screens that are usually added to transitions just to edit just one field, like Resolution, Assignee or Comment, which are very frequent cases.
That's useful when there are multiple Jira Administrators configuring workflows, in order to avoid the creation of multiple identically configured screens.
The key of the tip is preceding the screen name with a character so that the alphabetical order of the admin Screens page effectively pins those screens on the top, to promote their re-utilization, as well as adding a descriptive name to the screen which allow to recognize the field in the screen with no need to actually enter the screen in order to check it.
@Ignacio Pulgar : Ah great! I am none the wiser, but this has definitely increased my knowledge. Thank you so much.
It doesn't help that we are a tiny company with 1 Admin, low amount of projects, and we are likely not using Atlassian on the same scale as you guys ! ! (we're not even configuring worklows!)
@Ignacio Pulgar : Today we were messing around with Screens and Fields Configuration... I now get this 100%. ha ha! 😆
@Andy - PTC RedundantHaha, yeah, you have to feel the pain before being able to understand this tip. 😆
Workaround for lack of multiple boards in next-gen:
Create a jira classic project. Create as many boards as you want even if only using them for next-gen projects. I hope next-gen gets updated to make this workaround unnecessary.
Hi @Corinne Dent : Any update on the Basic cloud software BUGS?
Hey @DPKJ @Mike Rathwell @Scott Theus @Jack Brickey @Paul Stallworth @Matt Doar @Andy - PTC Redundant @Iago Docando @Zigmars Rozentals @Manon Soubies-Camy @Marianne Miller @Derek Fields _RightStar_ @Ignacio Pulgar @Joe Sandmeyer (hopefully I didn't miss anyone):
Thank you again for contributing to this thread about your best Jira Software tips & tricks! We did our very best to incorporate as many of the pieces of feedback as we could into this free, downloadable ebook:
My ask: please share this link with your networks! The more people that see this advice, the more happy Jira users there will be in the universe!
I am super excited about this content piece and the impact it can have on newer Jira admins who are learning the Jira ropes (and more seasoned admins looking to learn new things!). I hope you all enjoy seeing your contributions, too. If you have any feedback or questions, please email me directly at and I'd be happy to chat!
Thanks again to the awesome Community for your help!
Nice work @Corinne Dent
At a first glance whitepaper looks really effective.
@Corinne Dent This is AMAZING!!! I love it. So nicely put together!!! 🌟🏆👏
I've shared it on LinkedIn, twitter, the ACL Slack and with my Rotterdam ACE members!!! Whoop!!!!!!! 💙👍
Absolutely stellar and the amount of effort you put into that is abundantly apparent, @Corinne Dent !
I've been spamming this one out as well. As you put it so well, I've been around the block... once or twice... in this world and I learned stuff from humans far smarter than I contributing to this discussion.
Hello @DPK J @Mike Rathwell @Scott Theus @Jack @Paul Stallworth @Matt Doar__ LinkedIn @FUN MAN ANDY @Iago Docando @Zigmars Rozentals @Manon Soubies-Camy @Marianne Miller @Derek Fields @Ignacio Pulgar @Joe Sandmeyer
I am back with another ask of this awesome group! We are looking to do something similar to last year’s Jira Admin tips & tricks ebook, but this time with an exclusive focus on Jira Software dashboards.
To that end, what dashboard configuration can you not live without? What do you look at every day? What’s most popular across the team(s) you support?
The more specific, the better. Screenshots are welcome! We want to shed light on this often under-utilized feature within Jira Software.
Excited to learn from you all!
@Corinne Dent Let me gather my thoughts around this and come back.
Hi @DPKJ - Just a friendly reminder to let us know your best dashboard tips for other (and future) Jira admins! We would love your input. Thanks!
@Corinne Dent Sorry for delayed response,
My choices of dashboard has changed with over time, but some of them have stuck with me,
I want to add some more, but I think they all are pretty generic.
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