Opinion: New UI/View for Checkbox fields is BAD.

Darryl Lee
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February 4, 2023


In Jira, Checkboxes fields display (in View mode) exactly as Select List (multiple options). And in Edit mode they function identically.

This is bad.

(Also I realize now this is also the case on Server/DC, so this is not new. But it still super-annoying, resulting in hackery like this, which was a fun programming exercise, but I think it's due to a STUPID UI CHOICE.)


So I get it. Checkboxes are Web 1.0. They're old. They take up tons of extra space.

But there's a pretty valuable point to always showing them: YOU CAN SEE WHAT WAS NOT CHECKED.

Here's how Checkboxes kind of used to look like LONG AGO in Jira, even if you were not editing the field. (I had to fake this because I do not have an old version of Jira nor do I want to spin one up):

Screen Shot 2023-02-04 at 12.29.20 PM.png

Currently in both Jira Server/DC and Cloud, if you have a Checkbox field, the options only show up when editing the field. But once you are done editing, you ONLY see the options you have checked.

Functionally this is exactly the same as a multiple choice Select field.

Here are the two types of fields while being edited:

Screen Shot 2023-02-04 at 12.37.31 PM.pngScreen Shot 2023-02-04 at 12.37.51 PM.png

When you complete editing of the fields, and are viewing the issue you cannot tell the difference:

Screen Shot 2023-02-04 at 12.38.07 PM.png

This is bad. The point of checkboxes isn't just a different user interface (and in this case, the difference is negligible), the point is that UNCHECKED OPTIONS ARE IMPORTANT. They provide VALUABLE CONTEXT.


If you want to not show all the options, then you can do that with a Select List (multiple options) field.

A Checkboxes field should SHOW CHECKBOXES even in on View screens. THIS IS BROKEN.

Of course modern UX/UI designers will pooh-pooh this and say I'm old. And it's true, I am. But I'm also right.



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Darryl Lee
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February 4, 2023

Ok. I've taken some deep cleansing breaths. No more ALL CAPS. Sorry about that.

So. A friend suggests I offer some real world examples to help explain.

Here's one: 

emileL29 basically wanted a checklist like this:


Part of the point of a checklist is being able to see what has not been checked.

And I mean, there's a Checkboxes field, so it seems like this should be possible right? But no, Atlassian has taken a perfectly functional feature, and made it redundant with Select List (multiple choice), and then forced users to go with third-party "Checklist" solutions which all implement this slightly differently, and most importantly, require a third-party add-on and also probably more money.

In the use case that prompted my rant, @Darrin Lillian has a "Implementation Scope" field with 50 options (ok, admittedly this would be a very long field of checkboxes :-).

But I believe the point is that it is as important to see for each issue what options are NOT in scope as much as what options ARE in scope.

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Ajay _view26_
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February 5, 2023

@Darryl Lee  .. get your point ..but showing 50 options with your implementation will take up a lot of space 😃

Darryl Lee
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February 5, 2023

Heh, yeah, 50 checkboxes is a bad example. :-}

I think it's actually going to be really interesting how this ends up looking in @Darrin Lillians final issues if he does in fact start out with all 50 options initially "checked" in the Scope field. I wonder if you might be able to share a screenshot?

Kenneth Gilliam
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December 1, 2023

For the display, it could handle dynamic rendering of the checklist options in a couple ways that I can think of that could work to satisfy creators, reporters, watchers, assignees

  1. Limit default to Display 5 or 10 options. If more than this, add an expand/collapse section control
  2. format the section to have two or three columns that allow 5 or 10 by default and add an expand/collapse section control
Aymeric Malle
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January 29, 2024

I don't want to rub it in and cause more drama but. This is bad.

Is there any way to fix this ?

And why is it different depending on how we show the same screen ?

Sans titre.jpg

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Ashley Farley
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February 7, 2024

Agreed.  Why even have a checkboxes type if it behaves like a multi-select field?  That's just dumb.  The average person would assume that a checkboxes type would display a checklist for the very reasons that @Darryl Lee said, to see what's not checked.  That's just common sense, and this design defies common sense.

Let's turn this into a bug request; it's certainly not a feature request. :)

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Saskia Hoppe March 1, 2024

It's been a minute since I've needed and new field so hadn't realized they'd mucked around checkboxes.. And yes, I beed check boxes because I need to see what's NOT checked as it's a simple 'to do' list and I don't want to have 10 sub tasks each time... And exactly, what is the difference between checkboxes and multi-select field?? Anyway. Carry on.

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I'm New Here
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March 20, 2024

Hi everyone - I recommend voting for this issue to help get this fixed faster!



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