Hello here!
In April 2018 I successful passed the JIRA ACP-100 exam , in October 2018 I successful passed the Confluence ACP-200 exam. I decided to write a post about how I had been preparing for the JIRA ACP-100 exam to give advice to those who might be interested in this topic. I will describe the process of my preparation for the exam. This information does not guarantee the success of the exam and does not reveal the questions that will be on the exam, but I hope it will be useful.
The first is the language in which you will take the exam. My level of written English A2+, as you see, it should be enough to understand the questions. I recommend improving the knowledge of the language if it is not your native.
The Exam Descriptions:
Do not be afraid if you have less experience, I had 1 year of experience at the time of the exam.
You need to find yourself a test JIRA, a instance where you can do whatever you want without fear of breaking something. If you will take the exam in the interests of the company, I think you can ask them to provide you a test server, or you can purchase a license for yourself - $10. On the test, you can train your skill.
By the way, here is the first training case, try to migrate the PROM data to the test.
Next, you need to try all the possible settings JIRA. I recommend to perform the process on the guide step by step Administrator guide
Had you read guide? Here you can try to answer all the questions: Sample exam questions
Save the result on all questions. First one I had 50% successful of the questions.
Repeat the iteration to read the admin guide and make settings. Add the materials from the community. Do it until the sample questions not 100%. IMPORTANT! Do not try to learn by heart the questions, it is necessary to understand answer. At the same time, I drew the diagrams of the internal JIRA device for a better understanding of it.
It displays the settings that it seemed important to me to remember. For example, the dotted line between the ‘Issue security scheme’ and ‘issues’ is the ‘issue security level’. I memorized this scheme before the exam. I recommend You try create your own diagram.
A good bonus on the exam is that you are given drafts and I used mnemonic tricks. For example, to memorize what global permission are in JIRA, I learned by heart SABSFB (Sys adm, Adm, Browse, Shared, manage Filter, Bulk). I written on the draft sheet all permissions. With the mnemonic method, you only need to remember a few strange words, but then you have a reference book and you are less worried.
My post about ACP-200 https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-discussions/My-experience-with-the-ACP-200-exam/td-p/1069627
I hope this information will be useful for You.
Best regards,
Hi @Sandesh Shetty ,
I wrote the post ACP-200 and added link in current post.
Also I recommend this post from https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jobs-Careers/Atlassian-Certifications-My-experience-taking-all-the-exams/gpm-p/1066887
Hello @Sandesh Shetty
Did you complete ACP-200 cirtification ? Could you please share your Best practices . Im planning to get certified in ACP-100 and 200 .
Please share your valuable feedback about the exam .
Some website for $199 sample dump exam questions provided are really worth to buy for cracking exam ? please guide me with your experience
Thanks for @Andrew , reading your experience was more helpful and make the reader fear free about exam . I really appreciating your effort on sharing this details .
To @Andrew , im having little clariifcation . can you please elobrate your exampe point : For example, the dotted line between the ‘Issue security scheme’ and ‘issues’ is the ‘issue security level ? . what you mean to
Thanks ,
vishnu .
Hi @mahavishnu ,
Line between 'issue security scheme' and 'project' relate to this custom:
We can associate 'security scheme' with 'project'. But 'security level' we set in each 'issue'. In diagram I show it as 'dotted line' because we associate 'issue' with 'sec level' through project 'sec scheme' (not directly):
Hi Andrew,
Do you know which version of jira is used for the exam?
Thank you
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