Logging work within Microsoft Teams?

Jon Ostroushko August 14, 2018

So I have JIRA Cloud setup within Microsoft Teams and I love it. This is a whole new level of functionality that will be available for use when we roll both of these out. The big question, is there a way to log work on the tickets within teams? I know we can add comments easily but I am wondering if either:

A. I am missing something.


B. This is something that might be coming down the pipeline.

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Raynard Rhodes
Rising Star
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August 14, 2018

There is a way to log work done on a ticket you have permissions to "work on".


That should help you out a bit. Let me know if there's something missing.

Jon Ostroushko August 14, 2018

So this applies to the JIRA Cloud connector in Microsoft Teams?

SoftServe Support
Rising Star
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August 15, 2018

Hi, Jonathan!

Thank you for using our product and for your feedback. There is a way log work on tickets within MS Teams. In order to do it, you need to add a Jira Cloud bot to the team.

To add bot for a particular team you need to:

  • find Jira Cloud or Bitbucket in the Store in Bots tab
  • Select a team where you want to use a bot
  • Pick wanted channel and press “Set up” button next to “Bot” feature.
  • You can use “help” command in conversation tab of personal JiraCloud/Bitbucket tab to get the list of available bot functions.

  • Please mind that to start conversation with bot in channel tab you need to use mention function (@JiraCloud). Otherwise bot will ignore your messages. Also, you need  to use single thread of conversation with bot using “Reply”, cause if another thread will be started he will recognize it as a new request.

You can start by searching for the work item using keywords or mentioning the direct action (ex: log) for the work item. From search results, selecting the work item you were looking for will open an actionable card which provides a quick summary of the ticket along with several actionable options like assign, log work, watch etc. Edits made to the work item will refresh the work item card in its place. For example, If you update the priority from low to medium, work item card will refresh in place to who new priority.

The example of how logging work looks in MS Teams in a parsonal Jira Cloud tab is on the screenshot in the attachment.

MS Teams bot.PNG

If you have any additional questions, please contact our support email microsoftteamsintegrationssupport@softserveinc.com

Best regards,

SoftServe Support Team

Jon Ostroushko August 15, 2018

That makes sense. I played with the bot a little and had completely forgot that logging work was an option with it. Thanks!

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