Data behind the SLA Breached vs Met report?

Dean Verappan
March 23, 2022

Hi Team,

I trust you are well.

I need your help please. I posted this question on the community board but I haven't had an answer as yet.

Please advise how to view the data behind the SLA Breached vs Met report?

I need to create an SLA Breached vs Met Excel report and dashboard that displays whether the SLA has been met or breached.

Thank you 


Dean Verappan

7 answers

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Dean Verappan
March 27, 2022

Good morning Mariana,

Thank you, but that's not quote what I am looking for.

Have a great week...

0 votes
Dean Verappan
March 27, 2022

Good morning Jack,

Thank you - I'll give that a go.

Have a great week...

0 votes
Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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March 24, 2022

@Dean Verappan , if I understand correctly under the reports section of your JSM project you have created a met vs. breached report, correct?  Now you are wanting to see the details of the issues that are associated with that report, correct? Below the graph you will see the summary by day for example. You can click on the individuals days which will present the details (issues) in list view. Now if you wanted to show all issues in list view you could simply build a JQL filter for this e.g.

project = abc and resolutiondate >= startofweek(-1) and resolutiondate < startofweek()

The above would give you all issues that were resolved "last week". You can then assess met vs. breached by including the SLA, e.g. Time to resolution in the columns.

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Atlassian Partner
March 24, 2022

Hello @Dean Verappan 

You can try SLA Time and Report, developed by my SaaSJet team which allows showing Exceed vs Met issues.


It can be shown as Charts or exported to Excel or CSV files. 

Hope it helps.

0 votes
Dean Verappan
March 23, 2022

Hi Jack,

Thanks for responding. 

I've given this a go but I cannot seem to get the information in the SLA Breached vs Met report in Jira.

The graphical report is there - all I need is to view the data behind the report.

Surely we should be able to do this with ease as the report has already been built...

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 23, 2022

So again your goal is to do this in excel correct? Assuming so, Then I think that you will need to export issues that are done with the following data: Resolution date, created date. You will also need to know what your SLA value is and your calendar info for the sake of calculation. Basically you’re going to have to calculate the time between your created date and your resolution date. Then compare that value to the SLA goal.

Obviously a positive value in the SLA at the time the resolution is set indicates the SLA was met whereas a negative value indicates a miss.

0 votes
Dean Verappan
March 23, 2022

Hi Team,

I am grateful for the 'likes' but I need to urgently resolve this dilemma.

I have a customer who is waiting on this report.

Please urgently advise.

Much appreciated.

Have a great day

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