Hi everyone,
We’re excited to bring highly requested features to Jira Cloud’s issue navigator, and upgrade your experience when you search for issues.
Select fields to show them as columns in list view using the column configuration menu.
Reorder your columns by simply dragging and dropping the header to its position. You can configure your columns and order them as per your preference to make the configuration your own.
Refine your search criteria with more fields like label, fix version, component and parent. You can also use these fields as columns.
This new search experience is available only from a project (go to your Project > Issues) for Jira Cloud.
Note: If you’re in a team-managed project, you’ll have to enable the issue navigator.
We’ll be broadening this so you can search for issues across all projects in the instance. We’ll add support to more fields in the More+ menu and column configuration in list view, and improve the Export feature.
We’re keen to hear your feedback and suggestions to improve searching for issues in Jira Cloud.
Kevin Yu