Jira Cloud for Outlook add-in should work on the following Outlook clients:
Outlook 2016 for Mac
Outlook 2016 or later
Outlook for Android
Outlook for iOS
Outlook on the Web
Besides, Outlook add-ins work in the way that you install it on your Outlook account, not Outlook client. So if you have an Outlook account and you've installed our add-in being logged in in the Outlook Web app (outlook.com), then if you have desktop Outlook app and you are logged in into the same account there, the add-in should automatically be available there as well.
Unfortunately we don't support direct installation of this add-in into Outlook desktop (if that's what you're looking for). There's a ticket which you can watch and vote forhttps://jira.atlassian.com/browse/API-154
We enabled this the other day and find it promising in terms of increasing productivity. Is there a way to configure the add in to associate the subject of the mail to a custom field rather than or in addition to an issue key ? We have multiple processes and systems in use and not able to solely go by the issue key until certain criteria are met.
Currently, there's no way to associate the email subject with custom fields, it only works for the issue summary field. What type of custom field do you want to associate with the subject? Is it a single line text custom field or a multiline textarea field?
@Vitalii Saienko We use a single line text custom field that we would want to configure the plugin such that the jira issue would be identified if the subject in mail contained the custom field and the jira issue contained the custom field with the identified value in the email subject. I also received a note from our security team regarding the way the plugin converts elements in mail to clickable links and I am being asked if this can be disabled as we do not want to encourage users to click links within emails (any emails period) due to security concerns.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 16, 2020 edited
@Peter Murdoch great news! Now you can see suggestions, including email subject, and add one of them to any single-line text fields. Give it a try and let us know if that's what you've expected.
Regarding converting elements in mail to clickable links. Could you please provide more details? What exactly you're doing? Do you create an issue and paste email content to the description field or do you attach emails using "Send to issue" tab?
Below is what I am talking about regarding the clickable links. What seems to have happened is that once we added the connector to outlook, words containing hyphens became clickable links to the connector add in. In this example, our security team does not want to see the phrase HELP-27965 to be clickable as it currently is. We would want to be able to View Issues / Send To Issues / Create Issues only, such that the identifier HELP-27965 associated to a custom field defined in our Jira implementation.
The app is very usefull and it works great and so simple.
There is one issue that would be great to get fixed, images and files in original email are not shown in Jira cloud when I use the create issue button in outlook.
When I press the create issue button in outlook, I get to fill out information about the issue and I get to choose to add original email as attachment. Unfortunately when doing this images that are shown directly in the original email are shown in grey boxes with text "unsupported content" and files attached to oringinal email are not present.
First of all, only those who installed the add-in will see issue keys highlighted in their emails. Even if you send an email to somebody and add issue key to the email body and if the receiver doesn't have Jira Cloud for Outlook add-in installed, they won't see issue key highlighted.
Also, if it's highlighted, it doesn't mean that you actually have this issue in your Jira. The way it works is that we specify a regular expression to find issueKey-like identifiers in email. It's being executed by Outlook itself and if something looks like an issue key, then Outlook highlights it. And if you click on the issue key, only then we try to find if there are any issues with this issue key in your Jira. So, security-wise, there's nothing to worry about.
My apologies, I found the Menu in the bottom of the context window. I have disconnected my old portal and connected the new one successfully!
Great plugin!
I tested it with a portal on Jira Cloud and everything worked fine.
Now I have made another Portal, which is our production portal, but I cannot connect to it.
I have tried removing and readding the addin in Outlook, but it remembers the last used portal credentials and throws an error: Error ID: e8c6bf80-e38b-11ea-b9a8-816e7033ebfb
How do I remove the previous configuration and start fresh? I need to connect to the new Portal, not the old one that briefly shows before throwing the error.
First of all, gets a tiny bit happier every time we see 'great plugin' kind of comment as we try to deliver the best experience we can.
Also, thanks a lot for reporting this. Though you've found a workaround (which is really cool of you) it's still a defect and we have already fixed it for you and for other users affected by it.
I got a step further by creating an issue for the specific user. Now the buttons are active if they have that e-mail selected, but there seems to be a connection issue between the plug-in and Jira when they try to login and establish the connection.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 9, 2020 edited
@Dan Rosager It's not completely clear what's going wrong with the add-in in your case.
Could you please send us feedback via the feedback form in the app so we can have a ticket with a conversation history without spamming on the community post? That would be super helpful.
Addon says "Additional purchase may be required", however no other reference to see the pricing. Is it a free addon if your company already uses Office365 & Jira Software?
We use O365. I added the Jira Cloud for Outlook to the admin enabled add-ins and assigned it to several users who have a license for Jira, I can see this app listed in their applications in the Azure AD. When they try to install it they get the message "Access denied. Contact your administrator". What are the restrictions here?
Jira Cloud for Outlook is just an add-in running in the Outlook environment. From the situation you've described, it seems like you have restrictions related issues with Microsoft and that's something we, as add-in's developers, have no control over.
I suggest you reaching Microsoft support in order to resolve this one.
So, you can perform two major actions over emails in the app:
"send to issue" / "attach to issue"
paste email content to the issue description while creating an issue from within your email
In the first case, the app treats emails as documents/files, and because of that when being sent or attached to an issue you can not use JQL to search for email content.
If you paste email content to issue description while creating an issue then, obviously, you'll find the contents of the email in the description of a newly created issue. As you can JQL search for a substring in issue description, you're basically searching through email body.
We support most of the custom fields. You can check it under "Show more fields":
However, there are still a few custom field types we do not support yet as there are a lot of them.
Could you please check under "Show more fields"? If you can't find your field there, could you please let us know the field type and send it using the in-app feedback form in the menu?