Running Atlassian server product on Docker


Jean-Philippe M January 31, 2023

I tried to add the application link but

We couldn't connect to Bitbucket, possibly because that instance is behind a misconfigured proxy.

We couldn't connect to Jira, possibly because that instance is behind a misconfigured proxy.


FYI, I have tried to create the application link with both URLs pattern

Nobuyuki Mukai
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 31, 2023

Hi @Jean-Philippe M 

> Does it mean that I cannot link JIRA with Bitbucket and Bamboo?

You can connect Jira, Bitbucket and Bamboo with Application Link manually. What I meant was that you cannot configure Application link automatically using docker-compose.yml.

To make "bitbucket.internal" or "jira.internal" url pattern works like the example in this article, the following nginx config is essential. You need to set "http://bitbucket.internal" or "http://jira.internal" as base urls too.   

- jira.internal
- confluence.internal
- bitbucket.internal
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Jean-Philippe M January 31, 2023

I have it

maybe it is due to the docker network I have added?
Jean-Philippe M January 31, 2023

@Nobuyuki Mukai I found out I made a mistake in the network definition of the docker-compose.yml.

The application links are marked as connected now.

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Jean-Philippe M January 31, 2023

@Nobuyuki Mukai I have another issue... When I try to add a repository on bamboo, which I have added to complete your article.

I have errors


  • New access key is required but could not be added to Bitbucket Server.
  • Warning: Permanently added '[]:37181' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. BAMBOO-SSH-PROXY: [SSH proxy tried to connect to [git@bitbucket.internal/]: and failed due to the following error: [Remote connection failed]: Failed to get the session.] fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

I have exposed port 7999 on the docker-compose for bitbucket

I can connect to the bitbucket ssh using Putty

If I look, http://bitbucket.internal/plugins/servlet/ssh/projects/DEMO/repos/demo/keys, I see the key has been added

Any idea what I have to do to make it work?

Nobuyuki Mukai
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 31, 2023

@Jean-Philippe M 

Grad to hear that the applink worked :)

As for the Bamboo setup, I think your bitbucket.internal/ points to your nginx container. Try adding ssh upstream configurations to your nginx.conf.


stream {
upstream ssh {
server bitbucket:7999;
server {
listen 22;
proxy_pass ssh;
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Jean-Philippe M February 1, 2023

@Nobuyuki Mukai 

I have added the suggested stream configuration but without success...

Still has the same kind of message


  • New access key is required but could not be added to Bitbucket Server.
  • Warning: Permanently added '[]:33591' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. BAMBOO-SSH-PROXY: [SSH proxy tried to connect to [git@bitbucket.internal/]: and failed due to the following error: [Remote connection failed]: Failed to get the session.] fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

It is strange that it says that it cannot add a key but the key is added.

And I can clone the repo I have created through ssh with a key I have added manually.

Jean-Philippe M February 1, 2023

Well, it is better with a matching port

At least now it appears in the repo list of my project into bamboo...

stream {
upstream ssh {
server bitbucket:7999;
server {
listen 7999;
proxy_pass ssh;

 Thanks for the help.

Now I can learn how to works with everything linked

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Jean-Philippe M February 1, 2023

@Nobuyuki Mukai Maybe you can update the article to add Bamboo ;)


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