Jira Image of the Day: Writing JQL with AI


Concept Relates To

Application Type

Jira Work Management, Jira Software, Jira Service Management

Deployment Type

Jira Cloud

What is shown?

A three-word question turned into a JQL statement by Atlassian Intelligence (AI).

Visit: Filters > View all issues

What can we learn?

Like many companies, Atlassian is adding artificial intelligence capabilities as another way to save you time and energy when using their software. Here’s a brief look at some capabilities that have launched so far. You’ll need a Cloud Premium or Enterprise plan to access these features.

If you don’t love writing JQL statements, now you can use AI to craft them for you. Simply type a question using natural language. I typed “watching not done” to find issues I’m watching that are not complete.


Atlassian Intelligence quickly turned my question into JQL and returned the list of relevant issues.


Question or phrase

JQL equivalent

watching not done

watcher = currentUser() AND statusCategory != Done

Here are some easy examples to try out Jira in your application.


Question or phrase

JQL equivalent

assigned to me

assignee = currentUser()

assigned to but not created by me

assignee = currentUser() AND reporter != currentUser()

incomplete tasks from 2024

issuetype = Task AND statusCategory != Done AND created >= "2024-01-01" AND created <= "2024-12-31"

created by [first last]

creator = [user’s ID]

due soon but not overdue

due >= now() AND due <= endOfWeek()

due next month

due >= startOfMonth("+1") AND due < endOfMonth("+1")

children of ISSUE-123

parent = ISSUE-123

missing assignee and in progress

assignee is EMPTY AND statusCategory = "In Progress"

Using AI to suggest JQL statements is also a great way to learn JQL!

Atlassian is adding new AI capabilities all the time. See the documentation for updates and details.

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