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×You can access the Audit log feed to track activities related to the Marketplace application installed in Jira cloud.
RSS Feed:
This feed provides you with updates on the apps that have been installed, uninstalled, or updated on your Jira cloud instance. To receive a daily email notification automatically for any changes, you can setup a Jira Automation rule with the same feed.
1. Automation rule: Create a new Automation Rule.
2. Trigger: You can schedule it to run daily using Schedule Trigger
3. Action: Get the feed response using send web request action.
5. Headers to use:
Authorization: with base64 encoded API Token
Content-Type: Application/atom+xml
6. Response: Response received from the feed is XML. This needs to be converted into JSON using xmlToJson() function and get the desired data like Title in the RSS feed for the activity.
{{#xmlToJson(webResponse.body).entry}} - Activity: {{title}} - Author: {{author.name}} - Updated: {{updated.concat("\n")}} {{/}}{{/}}
7. Condition check for updates (Optional): You can configure the email to be sent only if the changes occur in feed within a specific timeframe. You can utilize date and time smart values of Jira automation. To verify if there was a latest change in the feed 24 hours before the scheduled run you can use the smart value condition to compare the update date with the current time of execution as follows.
First value: {{#xmlToJson(webResponse.body).entry}}{{#first}}{{updated.replace("Z","+0000").toDate.isAfter(now.minusDays(1))}}{{/first}}{{/}} Condition: equals Second value: true
8. Send email: We can use action send email to send message to org-admins group or any other desired group with the following content.
Recent app activities. {{#xmlToJson(webResponse.body).entry}} - Activity: {{title}} - Author: {{author.name}} - Updated: {{updated.concat("\n")}} {{/}}
Zee Choudhry