Show sub-tasks, stories, epics in backlog grouped?

JD_adm January 26, 2021


is it possible to display sub-tasks, sub-stories in the following way? (see the screenshot from jira's own wiki below)

or is there any other way to have an organized view where grouping is done by epics ->stories -> tasks ->sub-tasks



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Alexis Robert
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January 26, 2021

Hi @JD_adm ,


the view like the one in your screenshot is only available for Kanban boards with Backlog, because there you'll have a way to show Epics. But even in this view you can't have the Epic showing "above" the Stories.


You can have a more detailed view with the new Roadmap feature, if you configure issue dependencies. You can have a look at the documentation here :


Otherwise, you'll need an addon to have this kind of view (like BigGantt for example or Advanced Roadmaps).


Let me know if this helps, 



JD_adm January 26, 2021

Hi Alexis,

thanks a lot for the quick response.

#1. I am using a classic SCRUM PROJECT board at the moment. If I understood correctly, there is no way to make this type of board to show all sub-tasks as a 'tree'? That's a bummer..

#2. Although roadmap allows you to see dependencies, it only shows 1 level under each parent. (e.g. EPIC -> STORY). But if a STORY has more TASKS, and each TASK has a SUB-TASK, the roadmap view won't let you view all embedded tasks, unfortunately.

I am relatively new to JIRA but I can already see that a lot of basic features either require a special "plugin" or a customized JQL. Is it even possible to start using Jira Software off-the-shelf, so to say? (similar to wrike, for example) What is the best way to set it up without wasting days on configuration?

Would appreciate any help on this one.

Many thanks.

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Alexis Robert
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January 26, 2021

Hi @JD_adm ,


if you have a Scrum board, then you can configure the board to show Swimlanes based on Epics : this way you'll havet the Epic -> Story -> Sub-task view as you can see : 


Screenshot 2021-01-26 at 13.16.12.png

It is true that Jira can be a little bit complex at first, but that's always what makes it so popular : it's very flexible and can be used in many differents settings. I'd suggest having a look at some of Atlassian video tutorials for example :


Let me know if this helps,



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JD_adm January 26, 2021

Thanks once again for pointing me in the right direction. :) I will start educating myself about the features of Jira Software. The software is great, I just wish it weren't so complicated and difficult to setup, in the first place.

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January 26, 2021

Hi @JD_adm 

If you would be interested in a ready made solution, you may want to try out our add-on to manage multiple Epics and their hierarchy on a single page.

Epic Hierarchy is made available on Epic Issue screen as well by the add-on

Agile Tools - Epic Tree and Time in Status 

Manage and visualize your Epics with rolled up estimate progress reports.

Key features:

  • Epic Sum
  • Configure progress % calculation on either "remaining estimate" or "original estimates"
  • Epic Tree directly on Issue Screen
  • Display and manage Epics/Issues of your project
  • Real time edit option for Issue summary, status, time estimates, story points and assignee on the tree on the Epic Hierarchy
  • Rolled up percentage completion and at issue level as well
  • JQL support for Epic Hierarchy screen
  • Time in Status report using JQL
  • Issue Tracker to view complete transitions on your issue screen
    • Status Transition : View all the status changes in a single tab along with average time and count in each status. Switch between graphical and tabular view to make more out of the data.
    • Assignee Transition : View all the assignees for the issue along with the time for which the issue was with each assignee. Switch between graphical and tabular view to make more out of the data.

Epic Hierarchy Screen_Cloud_Edit.png

Epic Hierarchy_Issue Screen_Cloud.PNG

JD_adm January 26, 2021

Thank you, I will check this out. However, we prefer not to utilize any 3rd party plugins at this point.

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Hamoon Madady
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August 5, 2021

Jira sucks big time. No wonder most of the companies already switched to or other software. It's not user-friendly at all and for every single change you have to do complex procedure and at the end it usually doesn't work as expected. I gave access to another project to a user and user could see other project. I edited the permissions and found out the result turned to a total different thing. The only point jira has is being affordable. If others reduce their prices, jira will be out of the market as the same thing is gradually happens to confluence

JD_adm October 8, 2021

I wouldn't say that Jira sucks. It's a very good tool if you know how to configure it properly and everyone who's using it understands basic PM principles.

I agree, however, that the entry barrier is very steep for a regular user to get on board quickly. We're 8 months into this platform and still discovering new features and concepts... By the level of complexity it's more like controlling a space shuttle rather than riding a bicycle.  
In retrospect, it would probably make more sense to hire a consultant and let him set everything up for your from the beginning.

Now reg., monday, wrike, and other mass market tools. These are okay if you are managing a simple project or your Sunday shopping list, but absolutely unusable if you are in the software dev. business. (e.g lack of customization, integration with other DevOps tools, etc)

Hamoon Madady
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 9, 2021

Thank you for your response. But hiring a consultant for a project management tool shows that the software is not ideal.  Based on my research is more capable than Jira, and also a few other tools, but is more expensive as well. The capability atlassian is aware of and that's their competitive advantage. We are three years on this platform and every time it surprises you by not working as expected. Believe it or not, sometimes you need to give him a few days to apply the chances and you need to not expect that changes apply immediately. 

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