Setting SLA

andre fouche
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November 24, 2015

Please assist as I am told that JIRA can set SLA counts in various issues.
Example: I need to know how to set up so that:

  1. To Do (swim lane)
    1. Start counting when an issue is created and reaches this swim lane.
    2. Stop when this Issue is moved to In Progress
  2. In Progress (swim lane)  
    1. Start counting when the task is moved to In Progress
    2. Stop when the Issue is moved to Work In Progress

    3. Work In Progress (swim lane)

               a. Start counting when the task is moved to Work In Progress

               b. Stop when the Issue is moved to Done.


Hope this is clear.

Many thanks




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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 24, 2015

JIRA does not really do SLA's off-the-shelf, you need add-ons or applications to help you do that.

The obvious one is the Service Desk application for JIRA - it is not quite what you describe, but it is close.  It rigs up a workflow that can start and stop counters automatically, according to status, and who the issue is with (customer or support is the main point here!).  You can define lots of different SLAs for these timers, and, of course, do lots of reporting on them.  There's also automation, so you can do stuff when SLAs breach or get close etc.  Have a look through  - you'll quickly find the SLA stuff in there.

The reason I say it's not quite what you describe is probably a language thing.  A "swim lane" is an Agile concept, and it goes across status, not down - an Agile board will be a grid, with columns representing the status in the workflow, and the swim lanes being logical groupings of issues going through the columns.  If you set up a board with swim lanes as you describe, you'd only ever see clusters of issues - never more than one per column and lane

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