
Stefan Blatz February 19, 2024

Is there a good documentation to the Markdown in Jira Comments?
I typed in Visual:


Then I make the word "Abteilung" to italic.

In the Markdown:


Where are the braces from?

In Visual , I don't see the backslash anymore.


3 answers

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Stefan Blatz February 20, 2024

O.K. I don't see my answer below...

Hi @Brian Trepto 

I want Itialics, and I tried this:

This one, I got from Click on "I" in the Ribbon

Text: I:\Messdaten\{_}Abteilung{_}

Visual: I:\MessdatenAbteilung


Text: I:\Messdaten_Abteilung_

Visual: I:\Messdaten\_Abteilung_


In the Docu:
Markdown and keyboard shortcuts | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Support

I dont find the escape-chars {}.


Thanks for your reply


0 votes
Stefan Blatz February 19, 2024

Hi @Brian Trepto 

the braces are for escaping the "_" for italic obviously.

Text: I:\Messdaten\_Abteilung_

Visual: I:\Messdaten_Abteilung_


Text: I:\Messdaten\{_}Abteilung{_}

Visual: I:\MessdatenAbteilung


But I want to see:



I've only found:


so far. There is nothing about escaping  with curly braces.


BTW: We have : 

Jira V9.4.4

Thanks for your reply.

0 votes
Brian Trepto
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 19, 2024

Hi @Stefan Blatz

did you try to switch to the "Text" view and remove them manually? 

I reproduced that, and the braces are not generated for me.

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