JQL for completed releases in JIRA

Bharath Kumar April 20, 2017

Lets say I have releases 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.3 out of which both 1.1 and 1.2 are released, what is the JQL to show just the released versions.

So I need a JQL that returns only the released versions 1.1 and 1.2

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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April 20, 2017
Bharath Kumar April 20, 2017

thanks could figure that out

 But one small clarification I want to take this JQL and set it as a filter to show on dashboard the list of release that are completed. when i set this filter it shows all the issues that are from all the completed releases, like I mentioned in the example I just want to see the fix versions

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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April 20, 2017

You can probably create a filter using this and use it in a pie chart by selecting fixVersion as the statistic type? That will list all the released versions with number of issues in it.

You can do similar things with 2D Filter Statistic gadget as well.

Bharath Kumar April 21, 2017

Thank you so much @Jobin for the help


The syntax for releasedVersions is releasedVersions(project) but when I try entering the project name it throws a error.


The JQL that I was using is fixVersion in releasedVersions(Online Ops)

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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April 21, 2017

Use double quotes if there is a space in the project name.

fixVersion in releasedVersions("Online Ops")

Mike Ellertson March 12, 2020

What is the syntax for all version, released and unreleased?

Mike Ellertson March 12, 2020

I found the answer to my question above.  Here is the syntax:

fixVersion in releasedVersions("Online Ops") OR fixVersion in unreleasedVersions("Online Ops")

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AtlassianLearner March 25, 2020

I'm trying to get all released and unreleased versions, hence using the below query which is throwing an error

jql = f'fixVersion in releasedVersions() OR fixVersion in unreleasedVersions()'

I tried filtering using some projects like below(as I need release information for multiple projects)

jql = f'fixVersion in releasedVersions() and project in ("sampleproject1","sampleproject2")

This is returning some records, but it doesn;t retrieve all the released versions I see on the browser

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Jira Admin February 17, 2021

You can alternatively use the Project Key without quotes, e.g. 

fixVersion in unreleasedVersions(SSI, TAB, MIR, BS, DL, EB, SE2020, SE2021, TST)

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Stephen Musgrave January 11, 2023

Thanks for the discussion here, it helped me build this JQL

`fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() ORDER BY updatedDate DESC`

It gives me all the tickets that are in unrealeased releases, not exactly what I want, as I'd love to have a filter based on releases as you all do.

However, if I could aggregate this query so that the Fix version was unique I could then hide all the ticket-specific columns and I would have what I want.

Stephen Musgrave January 11, 2023

Saw a lot of "Done" tickets clogging up the filter, so I've revised my JQL:

`fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() AND status not in (Done) ORDER BY updatedDate DESC`

phalgun_reddy May 25, 2023

Hi @Bharath Kumar @Stephen Musgrave @Jira Admin @AtlassianLearner @Mike Ellertson 

i NEED a JQL to find the releases which are in certain period of time 
Please do the need full 
I am new to this part 

Thanks in advance

yeshvanth gangidi
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March 8, 2024

Hi. I am trying to retrieve the release versions like (ABC.1.2024), (ABC.2.2024), (ABC.3.2024) etc . Can anyone help with the JQL query.

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Alain BEAULIEU May 14, 2024

I think that JQL ONLY returns issues (issues, bugs, subtasks, etc.). Only and always just issues. You cannot write JQL to get a list of versions, or assignees, or priorities, or whatever else is not an issue.

Timo Schmitt
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August 9, 2024

this would be very nice, because we have releases with different categories that are under the same "Major Release", which we can only write in the description field of our "(Sub-)Releases".

But we can not create a filter/board/report, which would give us all "Release-Objects" with description containing e.g. "6.5.3". Jira is very limited with their systemfields

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