Issues color

Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

Hi, I´m requesting for help because since a week ago we can't add colors to the issues.
The card were you can select yellow, green, orange, etc... is dissapear.


3 answers

1 vote
Alexis Acosta April 25, 2022

Hola como puedo personalizar el color de las tarjetas o de las etiquetas en Jira Work Management ?? la solución que veo en este post es para otros productos

0 votes
Regli Núñez August 4, 2020

Hello to all the community.
I have been in discussions with the technical team and it is now possible to add colors and modify them again in the issue cards in Jira.
They have reversed the problem of the last update.

A greeting and thanks to all!.

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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August 5, 2020

Hi @Regli Núñez 

I am curious...what was the issue that caused the problem?

Best regards,


Regli Núñez August 5, 2020

I think the issue was that maybe they eliminated this option in the new actualization.

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Regli Núñez August 5, 2020

Best regards Bill!

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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July 29, 2020

Hi @Regli Núñez -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

To configure the card colors, you need to have the project admin permission..  Once you have that, you navigate to Board settings > Card Colors.

When you say you can't add colors, what are you seeing?  Is the option missing or something else?

Here is the documentation for configuring cards:


Best regards,


Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

Hi Bill

Thank you for your answer, I mean the issue color highlighting that you can change in a option that now it's not in the issue. All this time before, we can change the colors in a little squares that was in the issue options, and a week ago this option is dissapear.

The line of color that you can see in the left of the cards in this image.


Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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July 29, 2020

Okay, that is definitely a Classic project.  If it was Next-Gen, you could not change the card colors.

Can you see the ... at the top right side of the board?  If not, check with the project admin to see if they have changed permissions for who has access.

Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

Yes, I can see the tree dots.

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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July 29, 2020

Thanks... Now select the ... > Board Settings > Card Color.

Then you can select the criteria (colors based on) to select your card colors.  Please see the documentation I linked earlier for details on doing this.

Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

Thank you so much Bill, I did all this steps before and I have read the documentation, but the color options doesn't appears in the cards again. I don't know why.

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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July 29, 2020

Would you please post an image of what you see when you go to Board Settings?  Thanks!

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Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

We have set the colors based on our queries, but the option to set the color in the cards are disappear.

Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

Captura de pantalla 2020-07-29 a las 22.43.53.png

Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

Is in spanish, this is the cards colors and the colors based on queries.

Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

Captura de pantalla 2020-07-29 a las 22.19.41.png

Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

I think this is the option that is missing.

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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July 29, 2020

Thank you, as your information helps.

The color bars to the left of the cards is working correctly.  This is what you configure with the Board Settings > Card Colors.  Is that correct?

Are you instead asking about the color-highlighting of the fields like HDE-23 (green on your board)? If so, that appears to be configured in some other manner, either with a marketplace add-on or a browser add-on, and not part of JIRA settings.  This appears to be the Colors for Jira marketplace add-on.  Please check with your site admin to find out if that is what you are using.

Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

Thank you very much for your reply Bill.

It is definitely something that has changed, because we could edit those colors on the card a week ago in each task, with them we could know the state of each incident.

Now it has changed and I will contact the technical service to find out why, if we have been using it for a year without problems and now it is not possible.

Thank you again best regards.

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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July 29, 2020

If you learn the answer, such as that your add-on license expired, please post here what you find to help others with a similar issue.  And then mark this question as answered so other people can find the solution.  Thank you!

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Regli Núñez July 29, 2020

Yes I will. Thanks!

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