I have strikethrough on Story when it's not done yet

Yakir Giladi November 12, 2018

I have strike-through on Story when it's not done yet.

it's happened when one of the sub-issues of this story is moved to Done.


how can I disable it ?
Please see the attachments screenshots..



Yakir Giladi

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Tom Lister
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November 12, 2018

Hi @Yakir Giladi

jira regards done shown as strikthrough by checking if the Resolution field is set.

check your workflow for functions that are setting Resolution.

Also the workflow should unset Resolution if issue is able to be moved out of ‘done’ status

Yakir Giladi November 12, 2018

but the story issue is Unresolved...

Tom Lister
Community Leader
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November 12, 2018

Hi @Yakir Giladi

are you saying the Resolution field in the story has a value of Unresolved?

what is the exact value in the Resolution field

could you check whether your definitions of resolved do not include a value that is unresolved.

Do your story forms allow a user to set the Resolution themselves rather than the workflow.

its an issue I’ve seen before where users set resolution without being aware of the meaning to Jira.

Yakir Giladi November 12, 2018

are you saying the Resolution field in the story has a value of Unresolved? yes

what is the exact value in the Resolution field Unresolved

everyone can change it, not related to workflow


Tom Lister
Community Leader
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November 12, 2018

Hi @Yakir Giladi

If everyone can change the Resolution field, then as soon as it takes a value Jira will assume it is done. That is how it interprets the Resolution field I.e. as the endpoint of a workflow, regardless of how it got set.

if you have the value ‘Unresolved’ in your list of available values then it will not mean unresolved to Jira.

Tom Lister
Community Leader
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November 12, 2018


usual practice where there are many Resolution option is to add the Resolution screen to the last step in the workflow and allow users to set it once at that point.

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