How to produce an epic report which has tasks with just due dates.

January 5, 2020

Hi ,

I have epics under the scrum board which have tasks with just due dates for tracking.(I do not have any estimates/story points).

These are just tasks to be tracked against due dates.

Is there any way possible to produce reports for epics in this case?

2 answers

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Sami Linnanvuo {Screenful}
Atlassian Partner
January 21, 2020

Hi @Shubha The Screenful Metrics for Jira has an Epic report that can provide you this information. Here's an example: 

Screenshot 2020-01-21 at 10.03.23.png

The columns on the right side are configurable. You can choose to show "Overdue > 5 days", "Overdue > 10 days", "Due < 5 days" etc. Clicking the ovals reveals the individual issues. You can learn more about this chart at the Tour page

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Deepanshu Natani
Community Leader
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January 5, 2020

The report should contain epic, its related tasks and "Due Date" field for tasks?

January 6, 2020

Yes ,with an overall picture in terms of percentage completion.

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