How to integrate between Jira and Windchill PDMLink

jisha_george_gilbarco_com March 21, 2024

How to integrate between Jira and Windchill through RestAPI or Application Links.

Thanks in advance!

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March 21, 2024

Hi @jisha_george_gilbarco_com 

As a PTC customer you should have access to all related KB.

Basically you should have Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software which allows to make some build in integration.


As shown above, Web Services are used to pull external system defects or source files directly from Windchill, with the ability to associate and package this data as Windchill objects.

Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software architecture is also equipped with an extensive set of PTC developed plug-ins. These plug-ins enable the user to activate typical tasks. For example: (1) viewing Windchill tasks from a third-party plug-in like Eclipse, (2) pulling a Build object to Windchill from a Software Configuration Management System like Subversion, or (3) viewing defects in Windchill from a Defect Tracking System like Jira.

The following steps are required for customers to begin using Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software:

Installing and configuring the Windchill server and server-side
Windchill administrators install the server-side installation of Windchill, including Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software. The server core software and optional integrations are installed using the bundled PTC Solution Installer (PSI).
Setting up and managing DTS adapters
Windchill site and organization administrators set up and manage DTS adapters integrated with Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software. Once this process is completed, project managers, product managers, software managers, developers, and other users can access and use the product.
Installing and configuring the DTS system
Users install and configure their DTS system for integration with Windchill. If Atlassian JIRA is already installed locally, the user proceeds directly to configure the DTS adapter with Windchill and Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software. Integrity can be installed locally (thick client) or via the Web (thin client) for Integrity Defects adapters. If Integrity is already installed, the user proceeds directly to configure the Integrity Defects adapter with Windchill and Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software.

Refer to Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software Capabilities and Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software Installation pages in the Windchill Help Center for more information.


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