How to enable JIRA Core if we already use JIRA 6.4.2

Elena Kolpakova
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November 12, 2015

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: JIRA Core overview


Our team uses JIRA 6.4.2 with the standard JIRA software workflows. Now we'd like to use JIRA Core, but when I try to create new project I still see only standard projects (Simple issue tracking, JIRA default Scheme and others) 

How can I enable JIRA Core functionality and can we use JIRA Core and JIRA Software together?  

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 12, 2015

JIRA Core really is the core of JIRA.  There is nothing to "enable" - you just upgrade from 6.4.2 to 7.x and that's it, you have JIRA Core, with all your data.

JIRA Software can be added later, but if you already use the Agile add-on, I'd strongly recommend upgrading from JIRA 6 + Agile to JIRA Software.

Elena Kolpakova
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 12, 2015

Thanks a lot! This information was not clear from JIRA Core description.

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