Hi all, I am trying to set up recurring tasks within Jira to manage our team calendar and reports that we produce. I am trying to clone a task when it is marked as "done" and depending on what...
I created a new team-managed project with the following issues: 1 Name given 0 Name given 0 Want to delete, but can't -1 which is a sub-task I try to delete the above issue type but it says ...
Hello I'm using Plans to display issues from various projects and I'm using the "Group by labels" option in the "View settings". However, when using this grouping, I have issues that appear...
In one of the projects, we need to set up automation rule which is "Whenever we assign someone on the ticket, the developer field should be updated automatically, and vice-versa"
Hello, I've been working with EazyBI reporting stuff. There are issues in the project A which are linked with the issues from project B. From project A's standpoint, I'm trying to build a report t...
When trying to extract a filter output via Jira excel cloud and when choosing excel online.. its showing error as need admin approval how to resolve this. The error sho...
I have an issue in progress but it suddenly does not show up on my board anymore. I have checked and there aren't any filters active. Are there any current issues with Jira Cloud? Back...
Hello, We need the descriptions of the tables and columns for Atlassian products Jira, Bitbucket and Bamboo (thirdparty). If it does not cause any security problems, can you send them? Thank ...
...ased on Epic Link, but I lose the indentation of Epic → Task. Then another question: What do you use Plans for? I mean, what is the true power of Plans?
I have set up application monitoring by following this page https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver0901/application-metrics-reference-1155492019.html However, I am not sure wha...
help!!!! Why can I not convert a subtask into a Feature !!!??? impossible to edit any jira in order to manage the type of it :-(
Hi, I am trying to automate creating subtasks of a task based on the values selected in a custom-field of Checkbox type. Better to explain with an example. Say I want to create task and subtasks ar...
We would like the BYOK option and want to know if there are any minimum user quantities for the enterprise plan?
I get the error message when I tried to create an issue via rest api: "Please Check assignee and Whitehat reported time fields" Appreciate your help to guide me to craft a basic json f...
I am using Figjam integration for JIRA ticket management and it looks pretty good. However, the epic is not included when the ticket is created, so it needs to be included after each ticket is creat...
Hi Team, I should use in Jira specifically for customer portal, CIE (digital identity card) as an authentication method, has anyone had experience with similar cases? Thanks in advance ...
We need to restrict users to edit their public name,
Hello folks, Is there a way to retrieve the value of Two-Step Verification in JIRA admin using a REST API? Thank you.
When a user tries to login into his Jira account, it takes him to this
I'm trying to create new automation rule in Jira - datacenter as global rule. for this automation when any issue is closed it will trigger a send web request. The part of Send web request is failing ...
So our team has a kanban board but has no sprints, and I wanted to get all the data in our board. However, when I try filter it by either status or updated (date). I also get tickets that are NOT in ...
I have a user who likes to submit issues entirely in uppercase. I've asked them multiple times to stop but they won't. I hate that it bothers me so much, but it just does. Is there any way I can prev...
Whenever I'm creating a new project, a default group of users are being given permission to the project. But I don't need this group in all my projects. How do I change this default setting?
Hi team I have created one rule, here when any on sub task changed to "in progress" the parent should move to "in progress", So now the story on "in progress" status, for the time the epic also move...
Hi all, I realise this question has been asked a lot, but I can't find a specific cause for my issue. I have a Kanban Board, and issues are not appearing on it if they are bulk marked...
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