Epic-Story-Subtask Time rollup

Kara Kline
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June 28, 2022

When trying to use a Epic->Story-> Subtask hierarchy I can not get the time reported on the Subtask to auto populate on the Story issue. 


I like the way that Sub-tasks link to Stories on a Kanban board. I want the Story to remain present and the subtasks to move through a swim lane. 


Does anyone have any suggestions to fix this? I tried to use tasks instead of subtasks. This fixes the time roll-up issue but the tasks do not roll up under the stories like the subtasks do.



2 answers

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Florian Bonniec
Community Leader
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June 28, 2022



You should be able to roll up time logged from Sub-task to Parent. You have a checkbox to do so.


This panel should be displayed as long as you have an estimate/ time logged on the task or one of the sub-task.


You cannot roll up to the Epic level . It will require an app for that. You can test app related to "Time Tracking" 


WorklogPro seems to do it but there is propably other app that do it too.


Theo.Vlagkas January 6, 2023

Hi @Florian Bonniec I hope all is well

I have the same issue and the include sub-task tick box does not appear on the main story that the sub-task is included

I am using the newer Jira view not sure if this is the issue or if I should add that as a field on the story?

Thanks :)

Florian Bonniec
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January 6, 2023



What do you mean by "newer Jira view" ? Are you on Cloud or Data Center version ? What is your JIRA version ?


Do you have sub-tasks under the task ?



Theo.Vlagkas January 6, 2023


Thanks for the promt reply - we are on the Cloud version

The link you shared above is the "old Jira view"

Screenshot 2023-01-06 at 15.29.34.png

We are on the newer view and while I have created sub tasks under a story there is no field option to check for the estimate from sub tasks to shown /track to the main story

Please see below the fields I see on the main story (there are 5 subtasks in that story all estimated 1h each - it is a test ticket we are trying to solve the same issue as mentioned on that thread)

Screenshot 2023-01-06 at 15.31.47.png

Thanks again any help would be much appreciated :)

Florian Bonniec
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January 10, 2023

Hi @Theo.Vlagkas 


I think you are facing this bug, https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-70150.



Theo.Vlagkas January 10, 2023

Hi @Florian Bonniec 

Thanks for looking into this more but we are missing one step

On our Jira we don't even see the field to have the check-box that says "include sub-tasks" this is not present as seen below

Any thougths of how we could activate that one?

Thank you


Screenshot 2023-01-10 at 12.45.44.png

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Carlyle Brown
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January 9, 2023

I am successful with this automation, rolling my subtask time estimate into my task time estimate. But my task time estimate is not rolling up into my epic.

Automation.pngAutomation2.pngHopefully this can help you, and someone can help me with my challenges. 

I have three levels:







One two and 3 total Original Estimate = 10hours

10 hours is reflected in my Task Original Time Estimate

But that 10 Hours is not reflected in Epic, Epic shows 0 (Zero)

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