Crowd is gone

Cat Ward January 30, 2024

We moved most of our projects from on prem JIRA to cloud JIRA. We decommissioned our stand alone crowd server. We found out we need one more project from the on prem JIRA migrated to cloud JIRA. 

Jira seems to start, but we can't login. I found one article that said to change in the CWD_DIRECTORY, Active from 1 to 0 for Crowd Server. Did that, restarted JIRA - and it changes back to 1. 

Any idea how to regain access? 

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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March 25, 2024

Hi @Cat Ward ,

try to comment crowd authenticator in 


  1. If Jira is running, shut it down first.
  2. Edit the JIRA/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/seraph-config.xml file. Comment the SSO authenticator node and uncomment the default authenticator :

    <authenticator class=""/>
    <!--<authenticator class=""/>-->

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