Creating a jira report that shows past assignees

Gaurav Agarwal
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November 10, 2017

Hi - I have a JIRA reporting question. 

We follow a flow where developer works on a ticket and then assigns to QA for testing and eventual release. 

Now I want to find out workload report for developer post sprint completion, except that the assignees have changed (all QA now). 

So I wrote a report with "was" operator. My query is something like this: 

project = P and sprint = 1 and status was in (foo, bar) and assignee was in (a, b, c, d) 


Now I can get the list of all the issues except that their assignees are the latest assignees. Is there a way to group issues by the assignee at the time (and show the assignee in that state)? 


Is there a better way to solve the problem? 

4 answers

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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December 21, 2021

You can export the whole change history of your issue to Excel like this:


Then you could create a pivot table from the data and filter it only to the changes of the Assignee field. Then you can fine tune the dimensions of the pivot table.

(The export can be created with Better Excel Exporter, an app developed by my team.)

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Tomasz Kustrzynski November 10, 2017
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Andreia Fernandes
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November 10, 2017


The best add-on for that is AIO Reports. You can export all the history values for any field (even custom one's)

Tom September 14, 2021

Hi @Andreia Fernandes,

do you have some more advice or link to documentation on how to do that? I am pretty new to AIO and could not find what you described so far. 



Tom September 14, 2021

To be more precise I'd like to have report on assignees to a ticket that did not track time on that ticket.

Andreia Fernandes
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May 20, 2022

Hello @Tom ,

you have a custom field named "history" where the value should be "assignee". Then, choose you should have the history start value and the history end value to give you the transitions that were made on that field. Hope it helps.

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Tarun Sapra
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November 10, 2017

Hello Gaurav,

I had similar requirements and I use Arsenale Dataplane reporting plugin.

Tarun Sapra
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November 10, 2017

See this chart , something you mighr find interesting-

James Chan December 20, 2021

Love that day report feature! wish it will also be available for the JIRA Cloud version in the future as well....and for SMB like <50 seats...

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