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service desk browser compatibility

Haris Psarropoulos December 10, 2014



Tried finding some documentation but was unable to... Anyone knows what browsers are supported for Customer Portal of JIRA Service Desk? I know that JIRA on Demand supports IE9+ but I was hoping that service desk's customer portal goes a little more back to the past.


Thank you


2 answers

2 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 10, 2014

The formal line for Service Desk is "it's an addon for JIRA, so it is supported on the same platforms as JIRA"

So IE9, 10 and 11.  It's not going to be supported on IE8 or lower (if you're on IE7 or less, you really should bin it as soon as possible, and you should have "bin IE8" on your plans in the next 2 years too)

1 vote
jon-paul cameron December 10, 2014

Hi - we've had problems with IE8 with the SD as well, so looks like you need at least IE9. We've recently moved to Google Chrome and IE10 as browsers for the business, and both work fine.

Haris Psarropoulos December 10, 2014

Thank you,

Our customers usually have strict IT policies and stick to older browsers, that is why I am searching for something official to know if we are going to proceed with SD or not. I think that for at least the customer portal, Atlassian should support older versions too.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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December 10, 2014

Your customers should have strict IT policies about using fully supported browsers and keeping them updated. It's a legal requirement to use IE8 at a minimum in some fields, and be planning to upgrade *before* support for older versions is dropped by Microsoft.

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