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error when assigning jsd ticket

Cristian Lecaros P. July 27, 2020

Hello, good afternoon, I have a problem with the assignment of users to the JDS tickets, it indicates that it cannot be assigned to a user, therefore I need help with this, it happens to me with the user Ignacio Díaz and Freddy Castro who are developers, thank you



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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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July 27, 2020

Have you reviewed the permission scheme for the project to ensure the users are included in the Assignable User permissions? And are the users members of the Service Desk Team for the project?

Cristian Lecaros P. July 27, 2020

Hi Trudy,  Agents are configured as agents


Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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July 27, 2020

Has the "Agents" role been added to the Assignable User permission in the Permission Scheme assigned to the project?

Cristian Lecaros P. July 27, 2020

yes, it's assigned

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 30, 2020

Hello @Cristian Lecaros P. 

Are you an administrator for the project? If you are, when viewing an issue in the project you should see a button labeled "Admin". If you click that button you should see an option for "Permission Helper". Click on that and it will give you a dialog to specify a user and a Permissions. Enter your name or the name of the other developer and select "Assignable User" for the permission. Then click the Submit button. JIRA will provide feedback on whether or not the user has the permission, and if they do not it will tell you what is missing or conflicting with having that permission.

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