define different accessible status according to an additional field

Nicolas FILIPPI March 14, 2018


For my service desk project, I would like to set up a very specific configuration: I have to define different status depending on the environment defined by an additional "environment" field.

For example, if the the value of environment field is "Production" and a test is invalid, I need a status "Rollback". This status will not be available in other environment values ​​"preprod" or "test".

Can you tell me how to set up such a system?


Thank's for your help !

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 20, 2018

Jira has a native way to restrict the status that issues can be transitioned into.  These are called workflow conditions.  However Jira does not natively have a workflow condition that can check the value of a field such as environment.  In order to do that, you will likely need to use a plugin for Jira that then grants this functionality. 

There are probably several plugins to Jira that can do this in one way or another.  However I believe that the Jira Suite Utilities has documented how to use this kind of condition that their plugin appears to provide in Value Field Condition

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