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auto move issue to DONE when all linked issues have DONE

Tâm_ Nguyễn Thanh April 5, 2023

I tried to create a rule with "Multiple project" scope to move an issue to DONE when all linked issues have DONE:



And I found that this rule has the reverse effect like this:

Project A - Task 01 has bellow linked issues:

+ Project B - Task X

+ Project B - Task Y

=> As we expected, when Task X and Task Y move to DONE then Task 01 will be DONE, but if we move Task 01 to DONE it also makes Task X and Task Y move to DONE


Please help to resolve the situation.


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Trudy Claspill
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April 5, 2023

Hello @Tâm_ Nguyễn Thanh 

After the Trigger add a Condition to stop the rule if the issue that transitioned to done was in Project A.

Screen Shot 2023-04-05 at 11.07.15 AM.png

Tâm_ Nguyễn Thanh April 9, 2023

Thanks, Trudy so much, It worked !

I also found another solution is to use the link type: issue in project B block issue in project A (blocked)


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