Widget request type

Gui Ávila
October 13, 2020

Hi. I set up the widget for a JSD project. But user's can't select the request types configured in the portal settings for this project. It seems that with the widget the only option is 1 "default" request type.

If the request types were configured for the project, why they don't appear in the widget? Does not make sense...



3 answers

1 vote
Justin Couto
November 17, 2022

It's not a good UI for a customer to have to try and guess the request types we have. The UI almost works exactly as everyone needs it to.  If I click the ? and type in a period to the search that pops up, it shows me all of my request types.  It should just do this by default. You should have the option to just list all request types in the widget. This would work so much better for everyone. 

0 votes
Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 14, 2020

Hello @Gui Ávila,

Thanks for reaching out to Community!

On the Widget configuration, we can select a default request type and allow customers to search for all request types.

Please, go to the Widget page and check if you selected the option below:

Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 13.56.17.png

If you have any other questions regarding this matter, please let us know.


Gui Ávila
October 14, 2020

Hello Angélica. Thanks for your help, but that was not my question. I know that there's a default request type. My question is why the user can't select the request types configured in the portal settings for this project. When the user clicks the button and the widget opens, there is no place to select the request type.



Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 15, 2020

Customers will be able to see the same request types that they can see in the portal, but it's necessary to check that option that I mentioned in my previous response. 

The request types will show based on what customers type in the search bar.

Screen Recording 2020-10-15 at 09.57.00 AM.gif

Gui Ávila
October 15, 2020

@Brant Schroeder said: "  That is correct.  A widget is specific to a request type in the project.  When you set the widget up your would associate it with a request type".

So @Angélica Luz the widget is for all request types? 

This widget settings are confusing...

Gui Ávila
October 15, 2020

@Angélica Luz I was curious: how did you record and insert the GIF in the text editor? I thought Atlassian editor did not worked with GIFs, even in Confluence.

Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 16, 2020


Yes, the widget will show all request types of the project that you enabled the widget.

I think I understood the confusion here and maybe I wasn't clear. When enabling a widget for a project, customers will see all request types of that project and not for other projects. The widget works per project and it's not Global as the customer portal where customers can access different projects.

Regarding the GIF, the editor here in community is not from Atlassian, but testing on my local Confluence and Jira, the GIFs work fine on the new issue view. I used CloudApp to record the GIF.

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John Dawson November 30, 2020

Hi, I came here because I have had the same problem. I don't want to send customers to an external site (portal) where they have to log in as they won't want to do this and will get confused and frustrated by it.

I only have three request types (1: report bug, 2: request new feature, 3: amend existing feature) so was hoping that a customer could click the widget icon, select the request type, and then type the details to report an issue to me. I can see this isn't possible though. Allowing them to search for request types is no good as they won't know what to type in there.

As a workaround I was trying to create a request type that has a field in to select another request type... is this possible? So the user would open the widget, select a request type from a dropdown menu and then enter some basic info into text fields underneath...? Is that feasible?

Thanks for your help!


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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 1, 2020

Hello @John Dawson,

Thank you for sharing your concerns.

Although I would like to help you with this issue, currently, it's not possible to configure how the request types are shown in the widget. It's possible to select a default one and then the customer must search for other request types.

There are feature requests suggesting improvements for that:

Please, click on vote and watch to receive updates about the features.


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0 votes
Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 14, 2020


  All of the public request types should be available for you to make a widget with.  I would recommend that you the recommended project settings in the Embed a widget onto a web page documentation.  Can you share a screenshot of this issue after checking how everything is setup.

Gui Ávila
October 14, 2020

@Brant Schroeder Wait, now I'm confused. So widgets are per request type, and not  per project? I should create a widget for each request type?

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 14, 2020


  That is correct.  A widget is specific to a request type in the project.  When you set the widget up your would associate it with a request type.  For what you are desiring the best option is to direct the user to the portal to submit their request.  Then they can select the request type that meets their need.  A widget is usually embedded into a web page or application to provide a quick way for users to submit a request.  

For instance we have an ITSM service desk that we direct users to.  We publish the portals URL and ask them to submit requests through the portal.  This provides them with self help and management options and helps reduce calls and emails since they are able to find answers through knowledge base articles, find old requests and manage current requests.  We have several applications that we embed the widget into that allows requests to be submitted via the application.  An example is our learning management software.  Users can submit a learning management request (LMS Request) through the widget directly to the service desk.  Majority of these requests are outage or access issues and a knowledge base article would not be able to provide an answer.  It also saves the customer a step by not requiring them to log into the portal.

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Gui Ávila
October 15, 2020

Thanks a lot, @Brant Schroeder .

Just one more thing. I can't find a way to create more widgets. It seems to me that its only 1 widget per project. Could you please guide me on how to create a second widget, taking into consideration that I'm already using one widget for a specific JSD project embeded in my website?


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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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November 28, 2022

@Gui Ávila You can only create a single widget per project.  You can allow users to search request types and knowledge base articles in the widget though.  This will allow you to use it on multiple pages.

Rus Yates-Aylott
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January 13, 2023

I am sorry but the widget, as it stands presents an extremely poor customer experience.

Yes. We want our customers to be able to search KB articles but it is not acceptable that they must perform a search before they are even presented with an option for raising a request/issue/question etc.
The options should all be visible up front, so they can choose to:

Log an Issue
Raise a Service Request
Ask a Question
Log some other concern

They should not have to search for these, the list should just BE there!
OK, maybe have a toggle so the list is only visible after a search if set, or is visible from the outset, but in it's current state it would be offensive to present to our Partners.

Please fix this

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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January 13, 2023

@Gui Ávila You need to look at the functionality of the application.  The customer portal provides everything you are looking for and you should be directing your customers there.  I am only a user of the product like you so I have no way to fix this.  I would suggest reviewing current feature requests as well here and voting for ones that match your needs.  You can also suggest additional features as well.  https://jira.atlassian.com/issues/?jql=project%3DJSDCLOUD%20AND%20type%3DSuggestion%20AND%20statusCategory!%3DDone%20and%20summary%20~%20%22widget%22 

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