Why issues are not moving to Done with smart commit

Tanzeel Mirza May 14, 2021

I've properly setup workflow and workflow scheme. I have only 3 states "Open", "In progress" and "Done". There are no conditions on transitions but there are triggers. When I create a new branch the issue moves to "In progress" from "Open" as expected but after I merge that PR from that branch the issue doesn't moves to "Done".  Here are some screenshots of Workflow:

Screenshot from 2021-05-14 20-28-39.pngScreenshot from 2021-05-14 20-29-24.png

Please help me.

I'm using this syntax for closing:
git commit -m "ST-12 #close Ticket closed #commit Made final changes"


Also this is a dummy account which I created for learning Jira and Git. I can share the credentials so that you can look into the issue after login in.

User: blackduck897@gmail.com

Pass: my_blackduck_123

1 answer

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Kevin Johnson
Community Leader
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May 14, 2021

Hi @Tanzeel Mirza ,

Hope you're using close as the transition name, but as you mentioned in the workflow the transition name is "Complete" so try using #complete.



Tanzeel Mirza May 14, 2021

No it is still not moving. I've provided user/pass at the bottom of the question. Can you please login  and point out my mistake.

Tanzeel Mirza May 14, 2021

@Kevin Johnsonthe problem is with "in-progress -> done" only. Issued the #complete tag but still the issue isn't moving to done.

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Kevin Johnson
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June 1, 2021

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