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While moving issue type to different type, old SLA is still visible.

Tomasz October 4, 2022

Dear Community,

I am wondering, whether its normal and expected behaviour in this scenario:

When someone creates Incident, and moves it to Request type after verification. We can still seeing old SLA for Incident, its stop calculating but we want to get rid out of it as its not Incident any longer. Do you think it would be possible? 

Thank you,

best regards




1 answer

1 vote
Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 5, 2022

Hello @Tomasz

Thank you for reaching out.

The behavior you are facing is expected when you move an issue from one issue type to another, as described in this documentation:

We don’t recalculate, or touch in any way, SLA cycles that have already been completed. A cycle is completed when a request fulfills the Start and Stop conditions (depending on your configuration and events, another cycle of the same SLA might then be started).

The description above applies to both Server and Cloud and applies to any kind of change in the issues or SLAs.

We understand this behavior might not be the one expected in some scenarios, so we created the following feature request to allow the option to reset the SLA when required:

Ability to reset the SLA

Feel free to vote and watch the suggestion to increase its priority and receive notifications about any updates.

For now, @Matthew Rochman created a possible workaround that perhaps can be adapted to your need. Please, take a look at the post below:

Resetting the SLA clock in Jira Service Management (Service Desk) 

Let us know if you have any questions.

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