Where do you assign a Service Desk license and agent permission?

Rebecca M. June 23, 2017

We have just installed JIRA Service Desk. I am an administrator and have been added to the SD team.

I have created a SD issue board but can't assign issues, create request types, etc.

A Permission Helper search for "service desk agent" just tells me that I need a Service Desk license and agent permission.

I have searched but can't find where I can do this.



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Jack Brickey
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June 23, 2017
Rebecca M. June 23, 2017

Thanks for the links, but I've been reading the documentation for the last day.

Either there is a step missing or it is unclear.

Jack Brickey
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June 23, 2017

if you can be more specific about what you are having a problem with I may be able to provide quick answer. While JSD and JIRA can get complicated to admin the basics, e.g. permissions and notification are pretty straight forward. Like anything takes time to learn. 

Looking at your inital post, as an admin, if you want to create an issue in a project then you need to ensure that in the Permissions page you have "administrators" for the Create and similarly the Assign. 

Rebecca M. June 23, 2017

Every role under Issue Permissions has the Project role set to Administrators and Service Desk Team.

(Tried sending a screensho, but failed to upload.)

Jack Brickey
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June 23, 2017

odd. and you are sure you are in the "administrators" group? First image is example of my permissions, second is my user management screen.




Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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June 23, 2017

can you look at the "Users and roles" page under the project/project settings and verify you are listed under "ADMINISTRATORS" section? If not where are you listed?


Rebecca M. June 23, 2017

Screenshot 1 - yeah, that's what my project permissions page looks like for that group.

#3 - Yes, I'm admin in the Users and roles section.

#2 - my screen is a bit different; we're using a read-only group for user administration.

Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 1.14.17 PM.png

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