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What's the point in linking issues if you can't make bulk changes?

Dan McClintock July 17, 2020

A ticket comes in. Numerous tickets then follow all with the same issue. I link the follow-up tickets to the first ticket. But why?

Changing the priority or status or issue type or assignee of the "main" ticket doesn't change the issues linked to it. Responding to the main ticket doesn't send the response to the linked ones. All these changes have to be made manually to every ticket.

So, unless I'm missing something, why bother linking tickets at all?

2 answers

3 votes
Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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July 17, 2020

Linking allows you to associate issues. Which can serve a number of purposes. You can also use Automation to act on linked issues when it’s ‘mate’ is acted on.

1 vote
Dave Liao
Community Leader
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July 17, 2020

Like Jack said, linking is useful (at a minimum) so you know what's related to what, and how (via different link types).

  • If you want to bulk changes in an automated way, follow Jack's suggestion to use Automation.
  • If you want to bulk changes in a manual way, use JQL to find all related issues for an issue, then perform a bulk change. Just because someone says an issue is done doesn't necessarily mean all its related issues are done also. ;-p

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