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What is the limit for sending an email request attachment?

Melanie Bodiford
I'm New Here
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July 8, 2020

I setup a service desk and I am trying to use the email that was setup to send requests in.  I sent over three attachments to the email and it bounced back the email because one of the attachments was 18MB.  I removed this one and then it sent the request it I then was able to add this attachment to the request.  Why is this happening?

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Adam Rypel _MoroSystems_
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July 8, 2020

Hello @Melanie Bodiford ,

you can set up attachment limit in Settings -> System -> Attachments - default is 10 MB.

Also please note that some email services have limit on attachment size, for example Gmail has a limit 25 MB.

Let me know how it goes.


Melanie Bodiford
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 8, 2020

I checked and the setting in my system is 1,024MB so I think I am OK with this.

Adam Rypel _MoroSystems_
Community Leader
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July 9, 2020

Hello @Melanie Bodiford ,

okay, so maybe the problem is email service. What email service are you using?


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