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We are using service management tool and I want to display the SHARED WITH on the back end.

JustDoWIT September 23, 2022

On the back end of a service ticket I have a Watch drop down list to see all the people who are watching an issue.  However I cannot see the list of people a ticket is shared with unless I go to Service desk front end portal.  Is there a way to add the shared with list on the back end view screen?

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 25, 2022

Hi @JustDoWIT 

Watchers can be only Jira users, meaning users you have a valid license. Customers can be added as Request Participants. If this field is not visible from the agent's view, then you should add that field to the appropriate screen of your issue type(s).

JustDoWIT September 28, 2022

thank you.  this is very helpful.  I was looking for some field like 'Shared...'.

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Florian Bonniec
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September 24, 2022

Hi @JustDoWIT 

The people the ticket is shared with are display in another field. The field should be Participants or Request Participants.


Adding the field to the view and edit screen should displayed the information you are looking for .

EDIT: Documentation


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