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Very weird issues with Jira (cannot create new tickets, cannot see tickets in the queues, SLA..)

Abou January 17, 2022

Hi All,

We are experiencing a very weird situation with jira, three times in the same week:

Cannot create new issues


 SLA doesn't display, neither Customer request type


Jira Service Management 4.15.0

Jira Core 8.15.0


Any idea guys ?


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Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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January 17, 2022

Hey @Abou ,

Seems like all JSD/JSM features are just failing to load.

Any chance you have a specific timeframe which you can look up in the logs to see what's going on?

Abou January 17, 2022

Thanks for your quick answer. I can send to you the log file. if you like to ?

Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 17, 2022

If you can upload it somewhere that works. If you can already limit it a bit to when the issue happens (a broad timeframe) and post the content here that's even better :)

Abou January 17, 2022

Error indexing issue ITMS-45331: Dropped: [customfield_10000, customfield_10001, customfield_10002, customfield_10100, customfield_10101, customfield_10104, customfield_10105, customfield_10106, customfield_10107, customfield_10108, customfield_10109, customfield_10110, customfield_10111, customfield_10112, customfield_10113, customfield_10114, customfield_10115, customfield_10116, customfield_10117, customfield_10118, customfield_10119, customfield_10120, customfield_10121, customfield_10122, customfield_10123, customfield_10200, customfield_10300, customfield_10400, customfield_10500, customfield_10501, customfield_10600]

Does that give you any hint?

Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 17, 2022

a hint yes, but sadly not much more without more of the log.

The fact that the system is unable to index the issue mans it cannot read it from the DB or store it in the index on disk.

You might benefit more from opening a support call with the Atlassian engineers ( and send them the file

Seems like more is going on (could be disk or DB related)

Abou January 17, 2022

Thanks, @Dirk Ronsmans for your quick answer, I am now working on it with Atlassian support team.

I will post the solution as soon as I find it.



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