Using one custom email address for multiple Service Desk projects

Irina D_Angelo November 8, 2019

Dear Atlassian Community

we’re using Jira Service Desk with five different projects.

Actually the projects are not reachable by mail. Means that requests via Mail are disabled.

As we are working with Jira service desk since some months, we’d like to set up the reachability of all our Jira Service Desk projects via Mail.

Important for us is

  • that we can use our custom email address
  • that every Jira Service Desk project ist reachable by our email address (at best by one custom mail address)
  • that customers who don’t have an access to our customer portal can create a ticket via email. For this case we just want to communicate one single email address (no matter to which project the issue belongs).

So the problem is that we can only link one custom email address to each project. That means it is not possible to communicate one single email address. Or is there an other workaround to solve this?

Thank you and best regards

land in sicht

4 answers

2 accepted

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Sebastian Kurrek November 8, 2019

How should your Servicedesk know in which Projekt the issue should be created? 

I never tested if you could control this by permissions. 

But there are some add ons which could check the subject or content of an e-mail and create an issue in one of a few projects. (for example E mail this issue) 

Irina D_Angelo November 11, 2019

I think we will solve it with one new Jira Service Desk project which we'll only use for all email requests (with our custom email address).
Nevertheless thanks for your response!

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
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November 8, 2019

email creation has a 1:1 relationship - email-address:project, so every project where you want to enable email request must have a unique email.

you can certainly create your own custom email address, e.g.,, etc.

Irina D_Angelo November 11, 2019

When we create different mailaddress for each project, unfortunately it is not possible to communicate only one mailadress to all our customers (independently which Jira Service Desk Project they are using). Perhaps we can solve it with one new Jira Service Desk project which we can be used for all email requests.
Nevertheless thanks for your response!

2 votes
Esraa Mahmoud
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 15, 2022

Feature request for the same please vote & watch for visibility: 

0 votes
Adeel Shoukat May 11, 2023

This is a workaround that will satisfy your requirement, not a solution.

  • Create a common project for custom single email address - all email request create the ticket in Common Project.
  • Once a project has been created, an automation should be created on the common project and the ticket clone to another project using either a domain base or a unique email address. Automation screenshot see below.

Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 10.03.58 PM.png


  • This way you'll create the ticket in project on domain base or Individual email address.
  • To send a notification to the reporter with the ticket number, create another automation in a other project (where the ticket was created by automation). In this automation, you must set the "Request Type" and automatically add "Comment" to the ticket.

Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 10.11.22 PM.png

  • In this way once reporter reply on notification email then automatically add comment on ticket.


  • You should disable the Notification so no one get notification about common project. 
  • If your comment encrypted then you've to first email Security
    • Select the Product in setting > Compliance Setting  > Safe Customer Notification - Disabled

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