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Update a due date from another project

Wanderson Ávila January 6, 2023

In a project A if I update the due date of a certain task, I want this update to also be done in a task of another project through jira automation.


I work with JWM and I want smaller projects to update a larger project (portfolio).



2 answers

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Walter Buggenhout
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January 6, 2023

Hi @Wanderson Ávila and welcome to the Community!

This sample rule from the template library does exactly what you seem to be asking for. It uses the Organizations field as an example, but if you replace that with due date, you should achieve the desired result.

Screenshot 2023-01-06 at 15.45.31.png

An important prerequisite for this rule to work, is that you have your issues linked between the two projects. But I assume that that is something you had in mind already.

Hope this helps!

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Jack Brickey
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January 6, 2023

hi @Wanderson Ávila , welcome to the community.

This would be possible via an automation rule. The bit of data that is missing in your post is how the two tasks are connected. For example you may have a link created between the two or maybe a label, etc. The automation rule might look something like below, as an example. You will need to make this a Global or multi-project rule. Let me know if you have any further questions.


Wanderson Ávila January 9, 2023

Hi @Walter Buggenhout @Jack Brickey 

Thanks for you help. 

I'm evolving at this point, but I still couldn't get the solution right.

I want to create everything dynamically with automation.

The scenario is:

I create a project A (which will be the master project) and this project will have 4 subtasks, for example A, B , C and D.

When I create this project A, I automatically trigger the creation of another project B that will contain 3 sub-tasks: X, Z and Z.

I want, from the creation of subtask C of master project A, to make a linked issue with the subtask Z of project B.

This is all because when I update the due date of sub-task Z in project B, I want to update the date of the linked sub-task in project A.

I don't know if I was clear in the explanation.

Thank you very much in advance.

Jack Brickey
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January 10, 2023

Hi @Wanderson Ávila , this seems a bit strange. Let me try to respond to your points.

  • I create a project A (which will be the master project) and this project will have 4 subtasks, for example A, B , C and D. >>> You did not mention anything about tasks are stories here. Subtasks or a Child of a task or story. So maybe you create a project and then a story and that story has for subtasks. Is that what you mean? BTW, I assume that this master project is all created manually.
  • When I create this project A, I automatically trigger the creation of another project B that will contain 3 sub-tasks: X, Z and Z. >>> I am not aware of any automation action that will allow you to automatically create a project. Maybe I am misinformed? If you have an example of this please provide it via screenshot. Do you really mean"Project" here? 

Sorry, I'm really having a hard time understanding can you use case.

Wanderson Ávila January 10, 2023

Hi @Jack Brickey 

Sorry if I couldn't be clear. I'll try to explain better.

I am using Jira Work Management (JWM), however, there is a limitation of the Timeline functionality, which is currently only able to display Task and Sub-task items. There is no concept of hierarchy in JWM (Epic > Story > Task), however, the Timeline can display the Task > Sub-tasks hierarchy. A suggested fix for this limitation is at

Because of this, the solution I thought of was to create an Item Type equivalent to a Task, which is called “Project” (that's what I call Master Project), because, under it, I can create Sub-tasks that are visible in the Timeline of JMW and will be like the phases of my “Project”.

This way, I manually create a “Project” with its phases (sub-tasks). And from this manual trigger, I want to do the other creations and links automatically.

The sub-tasks of the “Project” will be linked to other sub-tasks of smaller “projects”, because when the smaller projects update their delivery dates, this will be reflected in the sub-tasks of the master “Project”, in the Timeline view . So, that way I can have a timeline view.


Master Project XYZ
   - Business Requirements (sub-task1)
   - Development (sub-task2)
   - QA (sub-task3)
   - Deploy (sub-task4)

XYZ Test Project (QA team project)
  - Test planning (sub-task1)
  - Test execution (sub-task2)

In the example above, as soon as I manually create the “Master Project XYZ”, I can automatically create the Sub-tasks below it and also the “Testing Project XYZ”, which in this case is a smaller “project” that will feed the “XYZ Master Project”.

The date issue I mentioned is where I am having the problem in automation. I want, in the example above, to link Sub-task3 of the “Master Project” to sub-task2 of the “XYZ Test Project” so that when the team updates the tasks in the test project, changing the planned date, for example, this is automatically reflected in the Master Project Timeline.

Please let me know if it's clearer for you now. Thank you very much for your attention.

Jack Brickey
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January 11, 2023

Thanks @Wanderson Ávila ,

I think I have a better understanding now. The usage of project and master project was really throwing me off.

So now, my understanding is as follows. You have multiple tasks with subtasks. There are tasks named “project” with underlying subtasks. These subtasks may have links to other subtasks associated with different tasks. If one of the associated subtask’s due date changes then you want to update the due date of the linked subtask.

it is confusing to write much less understand. 😉

with that said, it would be great if you could provide some screenshots of what you have in place now. This would allow me to more closely attempt to replicate what you have, and what you are trying to achieve. However, if the screenshots are not in English then let’s skip that step. I’m happy to give this a try and see what I can come up with for you. I will try to get to this in just a little bit when I’m in front of my computer, as I’m mobile right now.

Wanderson Ávila January 11, 2023

Hi @Jack Brickey 


Thanks for your attention.

"So now, my understanding is as follows. You have multiple tasks with subtasks. There are tasks named “project” with underlying subtasks. These subtasks may have links to other subtasks associated with different tasks. If one of the associated subtask’s due date changes then you want to update the due date of the linked subtask."

You got it!! :D

I change the jira language to share the picture below. 

This is my rule automation. I have a problem to link issues (sub-tasks) between the different "Projects". The links between a "Project" with your own sub-tasks works.

The penultimate step of the rule is where I create the other "Project" and its sub-task.
This sub-task (and others I'm yet to create) need to be linked to the ones above.

Automation link sub-tasks.png

Jack Brickey
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January 11, 2023

Hi @Wanderson Ávila ,

So one of the challenges in your automation rule is that you are trying to do it all in a single rule. I think you are going to want to break it into two rules. The first will create the subtasks associated with the project master and the second will create the Task and subtasks for the other project. The second rule would be triggered by the creation of the third subtask in the first rule that will need the link to the subtask created in the second rule. It is a rather complex scenario but will try to give it a go today.

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Wanderson Ávila January 11, 2023

@Jack Brickey 

I'm trying with two rules, but still with the connection problems between the items.

Thanks for you help.

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