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Unexpected failure occurred during CSV import.

Ken Bauer July 8, 2020

Hey all


I've tried numerous times to import from a CSV, using progressively smaller and simpler test files to try and eliminate issues, however I've yet to be able to get a single one to complete successfully. Also, the log file seems to stop right before it gives me any useful information.

I've included the log file below (I changed a couple values to ###'s in the name of sanitizing, but otherwise it's complete and un-edited)


2020-07-08 16:08:16,804 INFO - Import started by ##### using com.atlassian.jira.plugins.importer.imports.csv.CsvDataBean
2020-07-08 16:08:16,994 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:16,994 INFO - Importing: Users
2020-07-08 16:08:16,994 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:16,994 INFO - Only new items will be imported
2020-07-08 16:08:17,014 INFO - 2 users associated with import. All of them imported as inactive, this can be changed after import in User Access step.
2020-07-08 16:08:17,014 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,014 INFO - Finished Importing : Users
2020-07-08 16:08:17,014 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,015 INFO - 0 users successfully created.
2020-07-08 16:08:17,019 INFO - Retrieving projects...
2020-07-08 16:08:17,051 INFO - Project ExternalProject{id='null', key='###', externalName='null', name='IT service desk', type='null', template='null'} exists and found correctly.
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - Importing: Versions
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - Only new items will be imported
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - Finished Importing : Versions
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - Importing: Components
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - Only new items will be imported
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - Finished Importing : Components
2020-07-08 16:08:17,056 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,065 INFO - Retrieving custom fields...
2020-07-08 16:08:17,075 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,075 INFO - Importing: Issues
2020-07-08 16:08:17,075 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,075 INFO - Only new items will be imported
2020-07-08 16:08:17,098 INFO - Importing issue: [externalId='autoid-###', summary='Import Test Single Ticket']
2020-07-08 16:08:17,173 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,173 INFO - Finished Importing : Issues
2020-07-08 16:08:17,173 INFO - ------------------------------
2020-07-08 16:08:17,190 ERROR - Unexpected failure occurred. Importer will stop immediately. Data may be in an unstable state: 


At this point I've distilled the import down to only containing a few, bare bones fields with just a single entry just to get a successful import to build off.:


Import Test Single Ticket,This is a ticket,Pending,Medium,My Name,

The CSV is saved as UTF-8 and comes from excel. fields are mapped like this:



If anyone knows how I can get this to work, I'd really appreciate it.

2 answers

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Ken Bauer July 8, 2020

The importer didn't seem to like my Agent/Assignee field. Once I removed that from the CSV the test worked.

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Rising Star
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July 8, 2020


I assume you click on the map the Subject to the Summary, without a summary the import is impossible. Usually if an issuetype is not selected Jira picks one by default, but to rule out errors I would include it in the csv.

Also, are you sure you do not have any mandatory fields in creation or a validation in the workflow that might be preventing the creation of the ticket?


Best Regards

Ken Bauer July 8, 2020

Yes, subject is being mapped to summary. I checked and it looks like I might have been missing the Issue Type field, so I added it to my CSV and tried importing again, but it gave me the same result afterwards. We don't have any active workflows right now, so that shouldn't be a problem either.

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July 8, 2020

Hey, Ken,

I was trying to do the same thing too using simple data since yesterday but I get the same issue.

Anyone is able to import issues into JSD cloud, please?

PS: I have been able to import using the same file few days ago.

Thanks in advance.

Ken Bauer July 8, 2020

Hey Victor


I was just able to do a successful import by dropping the Agent/Assignee field mapping. The ticket comes in as unassigned, but other than that it seems ok. I'm going to try a larger scale test import and see how things go. 

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