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Unable to connect email for tickets.

Pj Heckert July 8, 2020

We have an organization G-suite and our support email is on it. I am trying to set it up to make every email generate a ticket but I keep getting errors no matter how I try to add the email. I have POP and IMAP turned on for the email address, I don't know what else to try.


The more details on the test has this error:

javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure) while connecting to host '' as user '' via protocol 'imaps

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July 8, 2020


Did you go into the email and get any notification about security? Sometimes I have been unable to link both of them because I had a setting in g-suite that prevented third party applications accessing the mail box (it can be a security risk).

If you are sure that your are writing the password correctly it might be g-suite preventing the connection.

Pj Heckert July 10, 2020

I believe I did the first time I tried, do you know what setting it is?

Pj Heckert July 10, 2020

there is a setting for allowing less secure 3rd party apps is that it?

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