To add new clients with email on the request form and they then get added to the group

Aoife Browne July 26, 2019

Photo.PNGI want to be able to add this email and possibly other emails when I create a new request/issue and it will then go into the group of client in that project.

When is added to the text field he will then be in the system and will appear in the populated dropdown box if he is the client for another issue.

Is this possibly?

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 5, 2019

Hi Aoife,

Thank you for the details and screenshot.
When we create a ticket on behalf of the customer or add the email on any other user picker field, we need to select customers that already exist on the instance, it's not possible to add them on this screen to create an account. So firstly, you need to create their accounts on the customers' page in the project and then you will be able to create a ticket on their behalf.
The only field that allows us to add non-existing customers is the "Shared with" but this option only appears after the ticket is created.


Aoife Browne August 6, 2019

Hi Angélica,


Thank you very much for your reply, I understand what I need to do now.




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