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The relationship between Customers when you have multiple service desk projects.

Marie Philips February 21, 2020

I urgently need to understand the 'Customers' set up for Jira Service desks

Our organisation (CQC) has a service desk customer portals at the URL :

I administrate one of those projects - Register with CQC (

There is a CQC organisation group set up but all the customers in that group, who access the Digital Support project through the portal, do not need to access the RWCQC desk. They all appear as customers in the RWCQC service desk and our Jira site administrator has told me not to remove them, implying it will affect the other service desk, but nothing I've read suggests it will. I want to remove them and only have the customers relevant to our project. Can I do this? Or is there some relationship between the customer groups because they are separate project but through the same portal?

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Jack Brickey
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February 21, 2020

JSD provides a single Help Center per instance BUT a unique Portal per project. You control who has visibility to each portal via the customer list in each project. Therefore to restrict customers to a specific JSD project simply ensure the customers are listed in the appropriate projects. Be sure to check your Organizations in each project under Customers as well not just the Customers page itself. 

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