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Story validation by customer

Julien REBILLARD September 11, 2023

We are in the process of migrating from Jira Server to Jira Cloud.
In our current organization, customers express their requests for new development on the JSM, a ticket synchronization takes place between the JSM and JSW (Element & Copy).
In the JSW, we split the demand into stories, planning into sprints, etc...

I am looking for a solution to collect the customer's tests based on the stories delivered. Today we are enriching an Excel file manually, indicating the stories delivered and the customer must validate the delivery or not.

I am studying the possibility of replacing this Excel file with a complete Jira processing.
The first idea was to create a form, which would contain a table enriched with the stories delivered. But I feel like it's not possible.

I will not create one support issue per story, otherwise the customer will be downed in requests.

Has anyone ever seen a solution (Script runner, automation, plugin, ...) allowing to expose, in one way or another, stories to the client so that he can validate them?


Thank you in advance for your feedback.



We deliver web applications, the client must therefore validate each delivery (story).

Today the developers insert a line indicating the delivered story in an Excel file, which is synchronized between JSM and JSW by the "element & copy" plugin.


In the Excel file, the end customer has the possibility to validate or not the story delivered (by indicating the reason for refusal in free text form).
The customer tests the delivery on a UAT machine, and enters his test results in this excel file in the form of comments (see capture).ExcelPrint.png


Delivery tests will always be carried out on a dedicated machine, this reflection concerns the replacement of the Excel file in order to be able to retrieve the customer's feedback directly in Jira without going through an Excel file, and to automate the developer part -> File of tests.
The customer part will always be in the form of comments.


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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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September 20, 2023


After going through your description, I am a bit unclear. 

You mentioned:-

I am looking for a solution to collect the customer's tests based on the stories delivered. Today we are enriching an Excel file manually, indicating the stories delivered and the customer must validate the delivery or not.

What are the customers using to run the test? Are they providing their feedback based on a modification made to a Jira instance or an external Product and just adding their feedback on the ticket?

Please clarify.

Thank you and Kind regards,


Julien REBILLARD September 21, 2023

Hi Ram,

The original post has been edited to help you clarify the question.
Thank you and Kind regards,


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