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Stop deleting the comments

Anwar July 16, 2019


We are a new user of Jira Service desk and would like to know

1. How do I stop my Service Desk Agents to delete any internal comments in the project.

2. How do we make Project lead

3. How to get Status"Waiting for Customer", there are certain times, where we wait for further inputs from the customer and would like to know which tasks are waiting for the inputs from customer.



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Cody Stevens
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 16, 2019

Hey @Anwar

1. You would achieve this with the permission scheme of the project. You need to be Jira Administrator to edit the permission scheme.

  • If you have this permission, you would access the scheme the project is using by going to Project Settings
  • From there you would select the tab Permissions, near the bottom of the list.
  • Then find the permission "Delete Own Comments, Delete All Comments, Edit All Comments" and grant/remove permissions as needed.

2. You would set this in the project settings. You need to be either a Project Admin or a Jira Admin.

  • If you have one of those permissions, go to the project and access the project settings.
  • From there you would go to the Details section.
  • At the bottom of the page is the Project Lead user picker. You would select that and change it to the user who is the lead.

3. I don't have enough information to give you a full answer on this but you can achieve this is two different areas.

First the status needs to be configured in your workflow. Once the status is set up in the workflow, you can either manually transition it or use JSD's automation to automatically move it to that statues when a customer comments on a ticket.

To set up the automation, you would need to be at least a Project Admin. You would access the project settings and then go to the automation tab to create your automation.


Hope this helps!

Anwar July 17, 2019

Hey @Cody Stevens ,

Thanks for the comments.

I am an Site Admin and Administrator too and we are our Jira Service Desk - Cloud and have Next-gen Service desk enabled.

Please excuse if I talk like a amateur, just a week old using Jira Service desk.

When I access Browse all projects, I can see the Project lead, but cannot see any option to change that on that screen

Also when I visit Project Settings, I cannot find Permissions Tab.

Cody Stevens
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 17, 2019

Hey @Anwar 

No worries, we were all new to Jira at one point! 


Next Gen Projects run by a completely different set of rules. They are an extremely simplified version of standard projects. Currently, Next Gen does not support project leads. I know in the Browse Project view, it does have a lead listed but its really just listing the person who created the project.

I just recently switched companies and I am waiting to get Next Gen JSD enabled for our cloud instance. From my previous experience with Next Gen JSD, I cannot recall permissions being included either. I do have Next Gen for Software projects and the permissions section is not available in the project so again, I am pretty sure its unsupported in both.


Next Gen is still constantly being worked on and features are being added. For these features, I recommend submitting them to Atlassian and if you are just now configuring the project, I would switch over to regular projects where you can define all of these settings.

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Anwar July 17, 2019

Hey @Cody Stevens , thanks for your piece of advice, it definitely gave me a concrete reason to head in which way.


I tried created a test project in Classic way and found that most of the point you mentioned earlier is visible.

In the mean time, can you let me know, how can we add different status to the tickets.
We most of the time ask further questions on the ticket raised by the customer and would like to mark that issue as "Waiting for Customer" and make a workflow to send a summarize email to customer as well to group of peoples about those issues.

Cody Stevens
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 17, 2019

Hey @Anwar

Glad you are getting to where you need to be!

To add new statuses to a workflow, you need to go the workflow section in the Administration and edit the workflow for the project. Its best to make a copy of the active workflow and work on that one and then replace the active workflow with the new one once its done!

A really easy way to find the workflows section is by pressing "G" twice or by pressing "." when your in Jira and a search box will come up. You can type workflows and it will take you to the section!

Unless you have anymore questions, please mark one of these answers as accepted so it reflects that way to the community!

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