Some questions about the email channel receiving issue tickets

IGSL-HamletCHIU April 4, 2024

Our client have some questions about the email channel receiving issue tickets:

  • Is there any difference handling for our developer using IMAP or POP to setup the email channel?
  • Is the attachment received encrypted? Is there limit of size of attachment? Where to store?
  • Can we push attachment to the issue tickets by API
  • When the issue tickets created, the email would be disappeared from mailbox. Can we review the email content again? Would it be stored in JSM database?
  • How JSM trace the relationship of the new received email and the issue ticket while adding comments to old issue ticket? Is there any ID mounting the email and ticket?



Is the mechanism of email channel is similar to JSM Cloud which describe in this document? If yes, I will refer to this document also.

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IGSL-HamletCHIU April 9, 2024

Is the mechanism of email channel is similar to JSM Cloud which describe in this document? If yes, I will refer to this document.

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