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Smart values for User that Transitioned an Issue to Done

Crystal Rouse September 29, 2022

I need to include in an email notification the smart value of the user that transitioned an issue to Done.  Any help or tips appreciated!

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Joseph Chung Yin
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September 29, 2022

@Crystal Rouse -

I agreed with @John Funk stated.  Typically, the issue assignee is the person who moves the issue to DONE.

Here is one possible solution that you try in your automation rule using the smart value {{initiator}}.  You should be able to get the email using the following syntax - {{initator.emailAddress}}

Here is the link on smart value for user object for your reference -

Let me know if this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Crystal Rouse September 29, 2022

Thanks for your reply.  This issue goes to a team so could have any of those team members close the ticket.  But, the person that closes the ticket is supposed to enter a comment.  So, I am going to try to use the Last Comment Author Name smart value and see if this works.

Crystal Rouse September 29, 2022

I was able to use {{initator.emailAddress}}

Thanks for the help!

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John Funk
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September 29, 2022

Hi Crystal,

That might be really easy or really tough. If you have built into the workflow that the current user is assigned the issue when the issue is transitioned. Then you can just use the Assignee field.

Or if there is no change to the Assignee when the issue is moved to Done, then you can by implication, say that the Assignee was the one who moved it. If someone else moved it - why? 

For future reference, you can create a custom field and store the value of the person who initiated the transition using an automation rule. 

But I don't know of a way to get it outside of those things. 

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