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Set Issue Security based on custom field using JMWE in post function

Tim Peters January 13, 2020


I am using a groovy script with JMWE to set the Security Level based on a custom field in a Post Function during ticket creation.  When I try to do the same thing during another transition (Waiting for Support to In Progress) I get the error "Security level "issue.get("customfield_10302")" is not applicable to the current issue". I have the ability to change the Security Level manually.

Does anyone know why I'm getting this error or how to resolve it? Or other solutions to change the Security Level based on a custom field?



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Tim Peters January 13, 2020

Never mind, I fixed this, it was my fault. I hadn't set the Value type to be Groovy Expression the second time I did the Post Function. This method is working well.

Tanu April 20, 2020

@Tim Peters 

Can you guide me with the post function name and the script , please.

Radhika Vijji _Innovalog_
Rising Star
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April 20, 2020

Hi Tanu,

Here is the link to the post-function documentation:



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