Service desk sla is not ticking

Sara February 22, 2018
Hello team,
We have set up Time to resolution and time to first response SLAs for service desk support tickets and we have set up stop (finish counting time when) condition is resolution : set and pause on is “ waiting from customer” and “ pending” status and start is issue created, but the clock is not ticking even the status in waiting support status and the resolution is “ unresolved” for waiting for support and waiting for customers except resolved or closed. Could you please advise how to set up these SLAs for service desk team.

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Jack Brickey
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February 22, 2018

@Sara, first let me mention that there is an issue associated that has been reported to Atlassian where the SLA does not start when creating and assigning an issue at the same time. Having said that, let's not simply assume that is the issue you are experiencing w/o answering a few questions:

  • is this happening all the time?
  • are you assigning the issue at the time of creation?

If the answer to the second question is yes then suggest you test w/o assigning the user when creating and see what happens.

If the answer is no to the above then could I request you provide some actual screen shots showing your SLA and one issue where the SLA are shown including creation time, etc.

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