Service Desk - Form Fields Conditional Logic

kumar Gajapaka November 5, 2018

Does, Service desk have the ability to do conditional logic?

3 answers

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Jennifer Choban
Atlassian Partner
November 6, 2018

The ProForma app, available for Server & Cloud, lets you build forms that can deployed on the portal. You can use conditional logic in your forms. (Full disclosure- I am with ThinkTilt, makers of ProForma.)

kumar Gajapaka November 8, 2018

Thank you for Info.

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Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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November 6, 2018

Hi Kumar,

If you're talking about smart forms, no service desk cannot do it out of the box.  If you are on jira server, there is an app "Extension for Jira Service Desk" that will allow dynamic forms.

I think scriptrunner Behaviours may also support dynamic forms and some other plugins as well.

Hope that helps


kumar Gajapaka November 8, 2018

Thank You

Dzmitry Hryb _Deviniti_
Atlassian Partner
December 14, 2018

Thank you @Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_ for mentioning Extension for Jira Service Desk! Just in case @kumar Gajapaka, the Dynamic Forms functionality has recently been enabled in the first Cloud version of this app as well.

I'm on the Deviniti team who are the makers of this app, so feel free to contact me in case of any questions :)


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Jack Brickey
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November 5, 2018

I don't understand the question. Could you please provide the details of what problem you are trying to solve? Maybe an example would help.

Mariena Quintanilla
October 15, 2021

if custom_field_1 = A then display custom_field_2 (required) 

else if custom_field_1 = B then set custom_field_2=default_for_b

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