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Scriptrunner: establish connection to library/documentation via proxy

Martin Frehmann
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May 29, 2024

I am using Scriptrunner in our Jira data center instance inside a dmz that does not allow any direct connections into the www.

Therefore the plugin tells me that it is unable to connect to it's library and documentation:


Is it possible to tell either Jira or the plugin itself to use a proxy for these communications outside the dmz? Any configurations I can utilize?

Thanks in advance.

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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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May 29, 2024

Hi Martin

There is no direct approach via ScriptRunner to do this.

You could, however, try to use an outbound proxy, as shown in this Atlassian Documentation.

I hope this helps. :-)

Thank you and Kind regards,

Martin Frehmann
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 4, 2024

Hi Ram,

thanks for your input. Sadly we are not able to use this approach since it would violate the guideline for the VM on which Jira is running on. Even with the configuration of the http.nonProxyHosts option we are not able to ensure that every outgoing connection but the one for ScriptRunner will not use the proxy.

But we might be able to configure an access control list in which we would like to enter the URLs that ScriptRunner is trying to access.

Can you provide me a list of URLs that we would need to allow? 


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